Doesn't hexagon support unicode?

Used unicode characters in text file(source file saved in unicode format) worked fine
Copied and pasted the characters into text window for 3d text,didn't work
Just shows the usual squares, when it's not supported characters
Hexagon too old for this?
these are the one I try to use:
Post edited by mach25 on
here is screenshot of what I try to make with arrows,uparrows is shown,downarrows are choosed to be invisible,some animation of moving arrows lights up/down
and start of some futuristic glass dome elevator
You would do that in DAZ Studio. In Hexagon you'd set the shading domains, then make those faces invisible in DS (Geometry, then move the cutout opacity to 0).
Moving the faces around can be done but it's a bit more complicated, I had a quick look on Youtube and here's one that should get you started -
thanks now I know how to learn to animate the doors
,maybe some other program supports unicode,so I could import/export unicode 3d text,you are looking at a workaround creating arrows with "<=" and rotate the 3d text 90 degrees and -90 degrees