Diffuse Color - image resolution/clarity
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I created a sphere primitive and added an image to it through the Surfaces tab - Diffuse Color. I've tried .jpg, .bmp and .png files and non of them appear as clear as they do in MS Piant or Gimp.
Is there anything I can do to correct it?
Is the difference you see, in the rendered result or just in the Viewport (working window)?
It could also be the case of the image map (texture) doesn't match the UVmapping of the sphere which could be stretching the image.
What do you mean as "clear". Is it out of place? Or faded? If it looks out of place you need to make the image to fit the UV map of the sphere. You can see the UV by switching the camera to the UV view.
I think it may be the UV mapping issue. By not clear, I mean pixelated, like when you zoom in on a low res bitmap, the edges appear jagged.
What resolution did you use for the image? If it looks lowres then it might be lowres :) You should have images that are at leas 1024x1024. 2048x2048 is better.
Then again, that may be the problem too :red:
Lower the shading rate in your render settings and make sure the Pixel Filter is set to Sinc.