Timeline Animation Translation Issues

dart98rock17dart98rock17 Posts: 1
edited December 1969 in New Users

Every animation I have made in Daz has always had the same problem with translations. The figure moves randomly across the Z axis between key frames. The animation I am working on is a lot of walking, running, a front flip, and two vaults. When I try to position the next key frame (right foot in the same spot as previous frame, etc.) the translations move all around through out the entire animation, even moving the keyframes around. I have searched Google off and on the last three days and can't find a solution.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I think you would need to post an example of this, perhaps on YouTube with a link here?

    I don't do animations as a rule, but I have never heard of anything like that. Are you only using the Timeline, and not Aniblocks?

    Can you at least post a screenshot of your DS interface with the animation Timeline and character showing?

  • dart98rock17dart98rock17 Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    I posted what the animation looks like before I add the new keyframe, which is a preset pose from an animation from Daz to use as a base for the turning animation. When I added the new keyframe, had to be moved along the z axis to fit the rest of the frames, the entire animation starts to go across the z axis. I have messed around with aniMate Lite, but prefer the timeline so I can control and edit the animation. This animation will have the character walking (while shaking a can), turning a corner, continue walking, then pull a rolled up poster out her messenger bag. I am trying to have all of that in one animation.

    http://youtu.be/VFLdzTrcgiw (Before Added Keyframe)
    http://youtu.be/6Ukk9RxCUBo (Added Keyframe)

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