Using HDRi Hemisphericals

GeneralDeeGeneralDee Posts: 131
edited December 1969 in New Users

I want to move on to doing some outdoor scenes and I have some HDRi images to use for not only background image but lighting too. They are mostly Hemispherical skies not spherical. Can Daz support the hemispherical skies to render properly and how should I set them in Daz?

My first guess is to apply the images to the Uberenvironment sphere but don't see an option for hemisphere and not sure if that's even an option. Any help is welcome.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    If I remember correctly if you apply it to the sphere, the bottom will be black. Which basically means, use something for a 'ground' and make sure the 'horizon' matches the ground. I don't have any hemispherical ones handy to check for sure.

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