Animate2 aniblocks previews 'sticky'?

shanefarmer22shanefarmer22 Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

Hi, all! I'm still learning, so if I'm somehow making a mistake, please let me know. I'm running the 4.8 beta build and if this is a bug of the beta that's all I need to know.

Here's what's happening: I'm creating aniblocks in animate2, primarily facial expressions, by creating a keyframe at the beginning of an aniblock and editing some values and saving it. This goes as expected; I get a list of aniblocks, I can apply them, etc.

However, when pointing at the aniblocks, animate2 seems to want to preview them live on the model. That's fine, but when mousing over a few the values appear to get "stuck" -- some of the transforms of the aniblock will 'stick' to the model even after I'm no longer pointing at the block, permanently distorting the figure, even through other animations. Without really tedious keyframe editing the only solution I know of is to reload the scene, which is obnoxious.

This happens consistently. Is this some mistake I'm making or is there a known good workaround?

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