Oval shapes in my renders

Not sure why this is happening. Has anyone seen this before?

930 x 1504 - 2M


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    Is this in DAZ|Studio or Poser? Are you applying that texture to the figure it was made for? It looks like the UVMap setting on the figure hasn't changed to match the UVMap of the texture.

  • bitwelderbitwelder Posts: 212
    edited March 2015

    If it turns out not to be mismatched UVs, it might be an issue with the SSS skin shader. If that is the case, I've seen some ways to try and deal with it:

    1. change your distance from the camera to the model (i.e. zoom in) and try re-rendering

    -- or --

    2. lower the shading rate in the render settings to something like .5 or .25 (the lower the shading rate, the more detailed/sharper your render usually appears)

    --and if that still doesn't help--

    3. Lower the shading rate in the Surfaces pane for all surfaces that share the same group ID # as the skin. I believe you have to do that for ALL surfaces that share the same group ID#, whether or not the artifact shows up in those surfaces or not. It may also be that the shading rate should be identical in all those surfaces. See attached .jpg for how you might go about doing that...

    1529 x 1080 - 327K
    Post edited by bitwelder on
  • NaviNavi Posts: 443
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot for these tips bitwelder :) , this random artefact has been a nightmare for me (dozen and dozen of renders ruined by that thing), the only "fix" I had found so far was just moving the camera... (it doesn't always help though). I'll try the 2 other tips next time.

    And yes, it happens really randomly, doesn't seem related to UV. What I've noticed is that usually, when doing a mid-quality test render it doesn't happen, but it appears right when you boost render quality settings (pixel sample, etc), and most of the time when DoF is used on the camera.

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for the insight. Here what I have done and discovered. I reapplied the base mat which didn't really solve the issue. I also tried changing the shading rate which still did not correct it either. However, when I changed the focal length it did remove the oval artifacts. It's definitely something to do with DoF. I changed the focal length from 200mm to 105mm and readjusted the focal distance to create the same composition. That seemed to remove the ovals from the mat.

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