BUG - IRay GPU and Hibernate: loss of lights and rapid convergence

j_koko2_f2572d4e05j_koko2_f2572d4e05 Posts: 17
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

This may or may not be a bug, however I wanted to make it known!

I use Daz on my laptop and I've been playing with the new Iray render engine.

I move around frequently so I have a need to pack up my laptop. Since there is no Save and Resume function for Iray, I decided to try hibernating.

If GPU is selected, hibernate kills the render. When waking from hibernation, Iray suddenly acts as though there are no lights in the scene. No matter what % convergence was at, when awoken, the engine rapidly runs to 100% convergence and terminates. As it is doing this, the scene quickly grows darker.

I assume that GPU memory is purged during the hibernate and causes this. As I said, it may not be a bug with Iray itself.

Be aware! I lost a 10 hour render to this :)



  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2015

    Go into your laptop's Power Settings and set the it to do nothing when the lid is closed. You should have 2 separate options, one for on battery, and one for plugged in.

    My other half uses this when he's hooked into a larger tv/monitor.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • j_koko2_f2572d4e05j_koko2_f2572d4e05 Posts: 17
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, however I'm aware of all that :)

    I just wanted people to know that attempting hibernation with a GPU render running is a no-go.

    CPU only is fine tho!!

    I wanted to hibernate because a laptop running full blast in my backpack with no ventilation overheats fairly quickly.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    j_koko2 said:
    Thanks, however I'm aware of all that :)

    I just wanted people to know that attempting hibernation with a GPU render running is a no-go.

    CPU only is fine tho!!

    I wanted to hibernate because a laptop running full blast in my backpack with no ventilation overheats fairly quickly.

    Hibernate works by saving the contents of RAM to a file on the hard drive...but only system RAM. If you have a laptop with a dedicated GPU AND its own RAM, that won't be saved to the hibernation file, hence the loss of everything that was in the video memory upon wake-up. A system with shared RAM may save it...but I'm not sure.

    This is something that has been around for years...and until now probably was only something that was encountered by those with gaming laptops who hadn't gotten 'bit' yet. One of the long standing unwritten rules of laptop gaming...DON'T HIBERNATE!!! Or if you must...save the game before doing so.

    Iray doesn't really have a 'resume' function...like Luxrender, so there isn't really a backup for what it is currently working on. This basically means when it's awakened from hibernation it is going to resume the render...with an 'empty' render information file.

  • j_koko2_f2572d4e05j_koko2_f2572d4e05 Posts: 17
    edited December 1969


    Thank you for your reply.

    Iray so needs a resume function!

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