Problems Sending from Bryce to the new DazStudio beta IRay

Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion


Has anyone had any luck sending files from Bryce to DS 4.8 to test out rending with Iray? So far myself I;ve found no sucessful workflow for getting Bryce content into the new DS. Any feedback is greatly welcomed. Thanks.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    It should work. Was there anything specific you were trying to send? I just recently tried to send something (a terrain) and got an error message, so I just tried sending it a second time with no changes of any kind and it worked on the 2nd try, not sure why it did that.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    It should work. Was there anything specific you were trying to send? I just recently tried to send something (a terrain) and got an error message, so I just tried sending it a second time with no changes of any kind and it worked on the 2nd try, not sure why it did that.

    After reading your response I went back and tried to send over a simple cube primitive and it worked. SO then I started thinking hat maybe the problem had been that I had originally tired to send a grouped object. So next I tried sending over a grouped object and it worked okay. So I am beginning to wonder if the bridge starts working fine once its been used a time or two, but that it might fail the first time it is used in this manner. Not sure why it works some times and not others. I will continue studying. Thanks for your assistance.

  • WhiteFoxWhiteFox Posts: 92
    edited December 1969

    I've tried sending models from Bryce to Studio (4.8b) and some parts of the model are missing when it gets to Studio, also I have tried to send from Studio to Bryce but nothing shows up in Bryce. I sent a ticket in about this and it's being looked at. Good (not good) to know it's not just me having the issue. I'll try your solution Rashad Carter, thanks for the tip.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    charliemcd2010, if something doesn't get sent at all to Bryce, try initiating the bridge from the other direction and see if that works. For example if you can't open DAZ Studio and send to Bryce, then try opening Bryce, send a cube to DAZ Studio to initiate the link, THEN try sending your object to DAZ Studio. Annoying I know, but if it works, it works.

  • WhiteFoxWhiteFox Posts: 92
    edited December 1969

    @ Sean Riesch, I just attempted that with 2 terrains, both showed up in Studio, tried sending them back and a second instance of Bryce opened and nothing was sent. Studio opens just fine, it just doesn't send anything to Bryce. I'm attempting more complex models from Bryce to Studio now.

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