Plugin Genesis Generation X2 is lost in DS 4.8



  • MacSaversMacSavers Posts: 324

    Okay. There's no "source" menu. I have a "recent" button where a dropdown shows Victoria 3 SAE, Victoria 4.2, and V3 BLANK SAE. When I click the "load figure" button, I only get a open dialog box. What's odd is the two V3s work fine. Just not the Victoria 4.2. I've provided a screenshot below.

    I'll try and see if I can find the ".ini" file, but I'm not sure it will help much.

    Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 4.58.38 PM.png
    456 x 725 - 74K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    I ment recent (didn't have it in front of me) (And you only have one there, can't really be the same issue I had then, I had two and one pointed to an old source location for the character.


  • MacSaversMacSavers Posts: 324

    Well, I went looking for the ".ini" file and didn't have much luck, but I did find the d3dGenX.dylib file in the same place as the d3dGenX2.dylib file. On a lark, I took out the d3dGenX.dylib file and started Daz Studio. That seemed to fix the problem. The "source" button came back and the "recents" went away.

  • Hello,

    Sorry this is an old thread but I am not sure I understand what the solution is yet. I have DAZ Studio Pro Edition. I went to look for GenX today (I do NOT have GenX2), but I cannot find it anywhere.


    I do however have the GenX files listed in C:\Users\Dunne\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\GenX (GenX configuration settings file)   and   C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins (the .dll file).

    So... I am unsure what I should do?

  • @DrowElfMorwen

    You may need to register the plugin. First in the install manager search for x2, then either right-click it or click on the arrow on the far right and select 'show serial number'; click on 'copy' on the pop-up. Next in Studio go to help -> about installed plugins, scroll down to the x2 field; you should see a place where to paste that serial. You will need to restart studio for it to work; then you can add the x2 pane to your layout.


  • Is it posseble to install Genesis Generation X2 on Windows 10?

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679
    maxarader said:

    Is it posseble to install Genesis Generation X2 on Windows 10?

    Yes. I did it through DIM. I don't know what the deal is, but trying to do it manually with the exe file just doesn't work for me. That goes for most Daz products that have an exe like this one.

  • vex3dvex3d Posts: 130

    What was the fix?


    I can't get this to work anymore.

  • @DrowElfMorwen

    You may need to register the plugin. First in the install manager search for x2, then either right-click it or click on the arrow on the far right and select 'show serial number'; click on 'copy' on the pop-up. Next in Studio go to help -> about installed plugins, scroll down to the x2 field; you should see a place where to paste that serial. You will need to restart studio for it to work; then you can add the x2 pane to your layout.


    God... damn... thank you so much... did not see anything mentioning the serial code at all. I feel completely thick after all that digging...


  • I just purchased Gen-X2, then installed via DIM, I can see the panel but it dont recognize figure source.

    I had 4.9 and 4.9 beta.

    4.9 recognize Genesis only but no other figures, 4.9 beta wont recognize any figures.

    uninstalled 4.9, and now on 4.9 beta only.

    how 4.9 beta to recognize figure source?

    Please somebody help me!

  • Hello. I am also having trouble installing this plug-in on Windows 10. The GenX2 data files intall properly in AppData, as does the documentation, but the plugin DLLs never appear in the plugins folder in Daz Studio 4. I have tried running the installer directly, as well as installing through DIM. Neither approach works.

    Digging a little deeper, the Windows Event viewer shows this in the Application Log after running the installer:

    Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\1033\vcredist_arm.exe". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="*",processorArchitecture="arm",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version="" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.

    It is true that I have Visual Studio 2015 installed, so my suspicion is that the installer is attempting to install something it shouldn't be, but that's just a guess. But, in any case, it is failing silently, because the installer acts like it finished successfully, but I believe it really didn't.

    Is there any way to install the DLLs manually to get passed this?

  • Those appear to be the files for ARM processors, you don't want or need them for Windows/DS

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