Opaque highlights
G'day there all,
I hopefully want to be able to adjust this particular settling in DAZ3D 4.7.
When I hover the mouse over an object within a scene, it becomes opaque yellow and I can't see the other objects within the area of that object.
An example would be a character leaning against a wall. I, for instance, want to slightly move that wall in relation to the character. With the mouse highlighting this wall, I can no longer see the character & it is trial & error to do the adjustment because I can't actually see this character.
Yes, I can do this adjustment via the Parameters tab but there are times when this highlight 100% opacity is a nuisance.
I want to be able to adjust the opacity strength so that I can still see other components in the highlighted area.
Does that make sense?
Any suggestions?
There's the sort of solution of closing the eye of the object that is being a nuisance in scene tab.
Yes, but that defeats the purpose.
The main time it is the problem is when you revolve a scene to get a better view of a particular object that you want to fine tune. Turning off the view of the object is counterproductive.
True indeed!
I would imagine that the highlight strength could be adjusted given the complexity of the software. I know it is something I'd like to be able to do.
In DS, go to Windows - Panes (Tabs) - Tool Settings. There you can change Node Highlighting Draw Style to Bounding Box Only (removes the highlights) or you can reduce Active opacity to make highlights less visible.
Note that this has been moved to the new Draw Settings pane in the 4.8 beta.
Ah!! That's what I was searching for!! I must have unintentionally changed that setting at some time when I was playing with those settings.
Thanks to everyone!