Auto Fit G2F Lesson for DAZ Studio 4
I have read a few entries regarding this but none have a solution/answer.
I have downloaded and installed ALL of the interactive lessons and can access them ALL via the "Select a Lesson" dialogue box at the bottom right hand of the screen............... ACCEPT for the "Using Auto-Fit - Genesis to Genesis 2 Female"!!
I have tried several times but, although all of the usual installation boxes pop up at the normal times and I get to the end of the installation process, the "0.dsa" is nowhere to be found.
All of the other interactive lessons are happily nestled together in C/ProgramFiles/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/resources/Lesson Strips/Interactive/Interactive Lessons.
I also tried a few search programs such as "Everything-" and "SearchMyFiles" which both have the ability to find and list the most recently made change to your system as a chronological list; the other interactive lessons show up but not "Using Auto-Fit - Genesis to Genesis 2 Female".
Funny thing though is that the installer must "think" it is installed (despite there being no sign of it on ANY of my drives) because when I tried a reinstall, I was informed that I should uninstall the "old" version first.......
I don't use DIM; I install everything manually (and everything works - except know) and my content directories are on a dedicated drive (however, the interactive lessons were installed where DS appears to be most happy for them to be).
In case anyone is wondering; my C drive is a SS HDD of 250 GB capacity only, so I need to keep it lean for programs only; not content...
The fact that the necessary content for the interactive lessons is on another drive doesn't appear to be an issue as I tried "Slaying the Dragon", with content installed on another drive and it worked fine; I also tried "Day at the Beach"; which had none of the content installed and it simply told me that I had to install 7 files and listed the items I had to install ("Beach Vollyball set" & "Day at the Beach Bundle").
I also tried re-downloading the "19149_AutoFitG2FLessonforDAZStudio45Win_1.0_ds.exe" installer (Just in case my copy was corrupt - even though it "Installed") but that was also of no help.
Others, I have read, have had the same issue; could it be that the installer online is itself corrupt?
Does anyone have a copy that worked for them I could try?
OK; I'm out of ideas now.......
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this (if you did :)).
Additional info:
Win7 x64
DS version;
I installed mine using DIM, and they appear in the .Select A Lesson > Interactive Lessons area..
All of mine are installed (by DIM) into C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\resources\images\Lesson Strips\Interactive\Interactive Lessons
I assume that your system is 32-bit? (From where the content installed)?
Perhaps it might work on a 32-bit system and not 64-bit?
Yeah; I'm grasping at straws - and now I have to work out if I still have a running 32-bit machine (my 3 main PC's are all 64-bit).
I think the one I use with the TV may be a 32-bit..................
I'll play later.
If all else fails, I'll try DIM, but I hate the "control" being taken out of my hands; I suppose I can just try it for this only.
I might do that now.
I'll post back when I have more info.
Sorry, I didn't notice that I posted the path to the x86 folder, I also use the 64 bit version of DS4.7 and DIM has also installed it here too.
C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\resources\Lesson Strips\Interactive\Interactive Lessons
That is where yours should be installed to for the 64 bit version.
You control DIM, you tell it what library folder to install the content to, but DIM always installs it correctly. :)
DIM also lets you know when a product has been updated, I think it is an excellent piece of software.
Well, I must say; that is the very first installer that I have ever used that actually works!
I now have “Using Auto-Fit - Genesis to Genesis 2 Female” installed correctly with all of the other Interactive lessons that I installed "manually" (DAZ content almost always comes with an installer anyway, so using the term "manually" isn't really correct - but you know what I mean. I guess when installing zip files from Renderosity/Runtimedna/etc is more along the lines of "manually").
Funny though, that the “19149_AutoFitG2FLessonforDAZStudio45Win_1.0_ds.exe” installer was the only one that needed DIM to install correctly.
I will remember this in future; "KISS" (keep it simple stupid).
But, as I have numerous runtimes as well a DAZ content folders, I will keep on installing stuff myself (I know how to change the preferences to install to another drive, etc, but I know I'll forget to change the settings when Iintend to install stuff elsewhere).
Anyway; thanks for your help.
Almost all of DAZ 3D content now comes in ZIP files as well, there are no more bitrock installers.
The exception seems to be some of these Interactive Lessons which still have an EXE installer. With DAZ 3D ZIP files, just remember that the folder called Content inside the ZIP is just a holding folder. Empty the contents of if into your DAZ 3D Library folder, but NOT the content folder itself.
Glad you got it sorted :)