Flintlock guns
I have just realised that I cannot find a flintlock (hand)gun with the lock on the correct side. Can anyone help. please? All of the examples of which I am aware have the lock on the left, but it should be on the right. It was designed not to shower the shooter with sparks as it would do if on the left and the shooter, like most, was right handed.
This set, is a caplock, not quite flintlock and is correct.
This flintlock looks 'right', but isn't very high detail...
Here's a Baker
Another reason why it was on the right...makes it a lot easier to cock.
What's wrong with the ones in the store here
Because that's the one I couldn't think of who made it....
Merlin is one of my favorite 'historical'/'fantasy' (classic) PAs...his stuff is usually pretty accurate and top notch.
Because that's the one I couldn't think of who made it....
Merlin is one of my favorite 'historical'/'fantasy' (classic) PAs...his stuff is usually pretty accurate and top notch.
Chohole beat me to it; I bought this one because it's almost identical to the Brown Bess I own, Merlin did an excellent job.
There's also this one, a little cheaper (with a few extras thrown in):
-- Walt Sterdan
(edited to correct Chohole's name and to add the second flintlock link)
Many thanks everyone of you. It must just be me, but when I was trying to provide weapons for a certain character, they were all reversed.
As you say, these are right......
A trick I learned here on the forums, often you can mirror or reverse an object by scaling the x, y or z axis to -100%
OOOOOHHHH! Clever! I'll try.