Animation question/problem

michaelolsonmichaelolson Posts: 117
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

Hi, I have a Genesis 2 character I morphed to make my own. I was experimenting with the animation timeline, problem is when I saved this character it seems to have saved the poses in the timeline along with it. So when I want to make a new animation sequence, it wont get rid of these old pose sequences. For instance. Originally I had it at 30 frames per second. I dropped it down to 25. I erased all previous key frames. I placed a key frame at 1, 25, and 50. 3 different poses. But in between these key frames it still animates the character to the old animation sequence, then when it hits the next actual keyframe it goes to what I wanted it to. How do I get rid of these old sequences?

Thank You :)


  • michaelolsonmichaelolson Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    It's ok I finally figured it out by going to the parameters tab.

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