Carriage Interior Background?

Vict0rVict0r Posts: 0
edited April 2022 in Product Suggestions

Hello there! I am a complete newbie to using Daz (literally just downloaded the studio yesterday, so I've still got even basics to learn), and I was wondering whether there are any backgrounds for the interior of a horse-drawn carriage? I have this idea for a fantasy visual novel set in a more renaissance/enlightenment era inspired world (as opposed to a medieval one like most fantasy worlds) and the very first scene I imagined was supposed to take place in a moving carriage with cushioned benches on either side. However, the only carriage interiors I could find in the store were for train cars, or exteriors for small horse-drawn carriages like this one:

Again, what I had in mind was basically a small room that looks like the inside of a large (long distance-travelling) carriage, like the one depicted in this youtube vid:

I don't even need an exterior shot of the carriage with the horses and coachman, (just the interior) but I'm way too much of a beginner to be confident about trying to render something this complex myself, so I would very much appreciate it if anyone could point me towards any ready-made background of this sort! Thank you to everyone that took the time to read (and hopefully answer) my post, and I wish you all a most pleasant evening!

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


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