[Resolved] Carrara 8.5 64bit issues...

MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28
edited May 2015 in Carrara Discussion

I just bought and installed Carrara 8.5 and ran into a number of issues starting with the install. This occurs when installing and running as administrator and occurs in demo mode as well. I have posted a bug report with these problems but I'm curious if anyone else has seen or had these problems...

1. While installing Carrara, during the VC install, I get an error message. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/vcerror.gif
2. After installation, I run Carrara and get another error. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/vterror.gif

Also, I've added my old Poser 4/6 runtimes to my content tab, and when trying to load a cr2 where all assets are absolute path, I'm unable to load any old content. I also can't load any stock Poser 4 or Poser 6 content. Is old content incompatible with Carrara 8?

3. When loading content based on V3 I see the following loading. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/c8oops.jpg
The error dialog is hidden behind the loading bars and it the dialog has to be moved to be read and interacted with. This content loads fine in Poser 6, & Carrara 5 with transposer & Carrara 6 Pro natively. When you click "Ok" or "Cancel" the loading bars remain, and Carrara has to be exited to clear the loading messages.. This occurs in demo mode, registered mode and whether or not if run as administrator. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/c8oops2.jpg

Carrara is installed to "E:\3D Applications\Carrara8.5". Additional information can be provided as needed.

Running Windows 7 64bit.
i7-4790K (non oc)


Post edited by MGCJerry on


  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    No clue to the answer, but I did a 10 second web search for the "Microsoft.VC80" error 1935 thing in your first error and got this excellent explanation of what it is and what to do about it.


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    MGCJerry said:
    I just bought and installed Carrara 8.5 and ran into a number of issues starting with the install. This occurs when installing and running as administrator and occurs in demo mode as well. I have posted a bug report with these problems but I'm curious if anyone else has seen or had these problems...

    1. While installing Carrara, during the VC install, I get an error message. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/vcerror.gif
    2. After installation, I run Carrara and get another error. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/vterror.gif

    Also, I've added my old Poser 4/6 runtimes to my content tab, and when trying to load a cr2 where all assets are absolute path, I'm unable to load any old content. I also can't load any stock Poser 4 or Poser 6 content. Is old content incompatible with Carrara 8?

    3. When loading content based on V3 I see the following loading. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/c8oops.jpg
    The error dialog is hidden behind the loading bars and it the dialog has to be moved to be read and interacted with. This content loads fine in Poser 6, & Carrara 5 with transposer & Carrara 6 Pro natively. When you click "Ok" or "Cancel" the loading bars remain, and Carrara has to be exited to clear the loading messages.. This occurs in demo mode, registered mode and whether or not if run as administrator. Error: http://mgcjerry.net/forum_images/errors/c8oops2.jpg

    Carrara is installed to "E:\3D Applications\Carrara8.5". Additional information can be provided as needed.

    Running Windows 7 64bit.
    i7-4790K (non oc)
    8GB RAM


    That first screen cap is weird. At least to me anyway. I run a Mac, so Windows issues are outside my normal frame of reference...
    Is it normal for the name on the error dialogue to be C++ etc. etc? What version of Windows are you using? What bit version of Carrara? It looked as if you were trying to install a 32 bit version on a 64 bit AMD architecture. Could that be an issue? It looks like system generated error and not a Carrara generated error.

    Regarding the Gen4 and earlier figures, yes, they do load in C8.5, at least for me. The oddity I see in those screen caps is the giant, long list of loading figure progress bars. There should be only one of those. The .mcx error sounds as if some component didn't get installed somewhere.

    Have you tried re-downloading Carrara in case it is corrupted? Speaking of downloading, did you use DIM/ Is it a custom installation path?

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Joe and I cross posted, but his is the better answer, so go with that. Is it possible the first issue has caused the other issues?

  • MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28
    edited May 2015

    It actually turned out to be an issue with "trustedinstaller.exe" not running when needed. I had to keep scrolling and scrolling on the MS page and seen trustedinstaller mentioned. Everything else had been tried. I had to manually start "Windows Modules Installer" then re-run that redistributable installer and selected "repair". Apparently it was partially installed or damaged. Ironically I did see the post referenced by joemamma, but didn't keep scrolling. Idiot (me).

    Everything works now! At least Carrara tried working with some dependencies not working correctly, and choked hard on it. I'll update my bug report with this information

    evilproducer, the C++ installer is built into the Carrara installer. It runs it. That was my suspicion too hence including it, but it appeared because the C++ was not properly installed, though I had it previously installed.

    Thanks for the replies guys! :)

    Post edited by MGCJerry on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Glad you got it working. Can't wait to see some renders!

  • MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28
    edited May 2015

    I'm terrible, at best. I'll probably be turning out stuff that's about par with what I did with Carrara 6, but my scope of work has changed.

    Here's a render. Originally assembled in C6 Pro. This was a minute and a half faster in C8 than C6, most notable is the precalculating lighting. I also think the lighting model in C8 is slightly superior especially around the edges. Same settings between the 2.

    1920 x 1080 - 90K
    Post edited by MGCJerry on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    That looks pretty good!

  • MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28
    edited May 2015

    Thanks, but I can't claim any of it.

    Stock Carrara scene.
    Various shaders replaced throughout scene with stock shaders.
    Vicky 3 & some poserworld clothes.

    I setup a lot of scenes. I've made very little. A close to real-size Carrara Sky rig, and a water shader.

    "Cloud Rig" : June 2009
    Download: http://mgcjerry.net/Carrara6/CloudRig.car
    Image: http://mgcjerry.net/Carrara6/newclouds.jpg

    "Swim Final" : April 2007
    Download: http://mgcjerry.net/Carrara6/Waterwithdisplacementt.cbr
    Image: http://mgcjerry.net/Carrara6/swim2_final.jpg

    That's all I've created with Carrara 5/6.

    Post edited by MGCJerry on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Very nice looking clouds. I'm always on the lookout for good looking volumetric clouds. Thanks for sharing!

    If interested, I created a shader for Carrara's Ocean primitive that uses a snow/elevation function to create white caps. Since the ocean is animated it appears and disappears with the waves. It can be used on a static object, such as a terrain used for a rough body of water.

    480 x 360 - 4M
  • MGCJerryMGCJerry Posts: 28
    edited December 1969

    That is some good looking water. Thanks for the download. :)

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