Looking for a freebie from the old forums...

Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 585
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hey, all!

I'm looking for a freebie made by (I think) Valandar. It was done around the time of the release of the Green Lantern movie, and it had an energy projected hand and a giant ball. It came with a set of materials to simulate a glow effect.

Any help would be appreciated in tracking it down.



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Moved to The Commons because it is a request for, not an offer of, a Freebbie

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 585
    edited December 1969

    Oops! Sorry.

    I thought that once the freebie link was offered, everyone could join in and enjoy it.

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 585
    edited December 1969

    Now I remember!

    They were called "Force Constructs". Might that help ring a bell with anyone?

  • ValandarValandar Posts: 1,417
    edited December 1969
    500 x 650 - 114K
  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 585
    edited December 1969

    Yes! Thank you!

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 585
    edited December 1969

    Okay, Val, I have it installed and have a couple of questions:

    1) Is there a preset morph to shrink or increase the length of the... I guess, the arm portion of the construct without it affecting the hand or globe? I'm using DAZ Studio 4.5 so it might be hidden in one of the tabs, but is there a specific dial for that?

    2) This leads in from the one above... While playing with the X Scaling, I accidentally got a negative value but it was cool because then I accidentally got force constructs for the left hand! Might there be a plan for left handed force constructs? If not, I guess I'll just use this trick...

    Checking this out, this would be a great way to simulate stretching characters. I've gotta play with it a bit to figure out how to get five fingers instead of four, but I guess I can use one of the Poser hand figures.

    BTW, the morphs for the globe are great!

    Now , off to play...

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