WANTED: Main Street, USA (not Disneyland)

This is a suggestion for content creators.

There are a fair number of city environments in the store, contemporary and futuristic. I can always use more, but I get tons of Mileage out of Stonemason's Urban Sprawls. There is also a smattering of European and exotic locations. However, the only US small town environment I know is Mountain Valley, and it's pretty old.

It would be great to have a simple street, maybe with an intersection at one end. One and two-storey buildings with shopfronts. Sweet Street has the right kind of shopfronts but a little too tall for a small town. Although, if there were additional, matching units with shorter buildings that could work. The stores wouldn't even have to have props inside–it would be nice, but not essential. Kinda like New York Stores has them.



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