A Pretty confused Dress and so was I until the render

HaslorHaslor Posts: 408
edited December 1969 in The Commons

So there an Issue with a Product at the Website. I went over to the Zendesk page, to report the issue, but the link for reporting issue with the Website, gives a 404 error. So turned to the Forums.

For a while I've been looking at Sarsa's Pretty Dress Textures, for Bobbie25's Pretty Dress.
The images for Pretty Dress Textures are of a sleeveless just above the knee-length dress, with a wide fashion belt with two buckles. (Upper left image)
Here is the confusing part:
The images for Pretty Dress show a strapless mini-dress with a ribbon at the waist, tied in a bow in the back. (Upper right image)
I have not purchased this because of this confusion.

With the Sale, I decided to take another look at Pretty Dress, and if it turned out to be the mini-dress I could use that for a different scene.
Due to the new layout or sorting out of things, the list of "Additional Product use in Promo Images" is there. Checking the list, I noticed none of the products listed were used in any of the Promo Images of the mini-dress. (Based on the various products in the list it would be interesting to see them, if they can be recovered.) Looking at the "What's Included & Features" left me even more confused, for it stated: "1 Conforming Open Front Dress for V4 (.CR2 & .OBJ)", but neither of the dresses are opened front. Then something very odd caught my eye, in the lower left corner of the image is "DAZ Studio Genesis", but Pretty Dress is for Victoria 4?
Hoping to sort out the issue, I downloaded the Texture Template and there was the template, which matched 'Pretty Dress Texture' product, which have me some confidence, this was indeed the product for the 'Pretty Dress Textures'.

I installed the Product, opened the Readme, and there was an image of the Pretty Dress from Pretty Dress Textures. (Lower left image)
It is very reminiscent of the dress Vivian worn to the polo match in the film Pretty Woman. A very nice reproduction, complete with the white poke-a-dots on field of brown. It would be perfect for a proper Lady's Tea. The only thing missing is the big hat (though it is in the picture) and white gloves, and of course the thinner belt, but it still works.
The dress on the Pretty Dress product page looks more like a Party Dress for a playful society girl who believe in the three F's, for one should always be Fashionable, Fun and Flirtatious.
But as they say the Proof is in the Render, so I loaded up Studio, placed V4 in the scene, placed Pretty Dress in the scene and did a quick render of the dress. (Lower Right image) This is indeed the 'Pretty Dress' for the 'Pretty Dress Textures'.

Seeing the pictures match the image in Pretty Dress Textures, I think someone drop the wrong images on the wrong product.
But that leaves me with the question: Where is the product for the images on the Pretty Dress product page? Obviously it is a Genesis product. Could it be for another product name "Pretty Dress" which was confused with the v4 Pretty Dress?

Well my mystery is solved, but it seems I've dropped on it someone's lap.

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  • HaslorHaslor Posts: 408
    edited August 2012

    This issue had been resolved and the correct images are now on the Product page, which I hope will save confusion and the Genesis dress is now available for as well. It is also nice to see the proper artists is now being credited, though I didn't know that was an issue. I am glad, both product have been correctly displayed and there is yet another Genesis product.

    Thank you DAZ Web Site team for a swift response in correcting the issue.

    I am curious about something. Obviously both of these dresses were called Pretty Dress, hence the confusion, but why you chose to call the V4 Pretty Dress, with all it's images having 'A Film Noir "Pretty Dress"' stamped on them, Pretty Party Dress,; and the Genesis Pretty Dress, which looks like something you would wear to a party and has no text on the images proclaiming anything, Pretty Dress?
    Then again, a rose by any other name smells just as sweet.

    Again thank you for the correction.

    Post edited by Haslor on
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