Creating different faces?
I was under the assumption that when you load a morph like Michael 6 onto G2 it created one sort of face that can be tweaked in shape, but not in terms of it's skin. All Michael 6's have the same skin, right? But I loaded a G2 and applies a "Phillip" material and it basically came out looking like Michael again.
So I'm a bit confused about how to create different looking characters. I can't really go back to a G1 character as when I render a shot it's very apparent that one is inferior in detail and render quality to the G2 character. Is the best practice to just buy different "Michael" type morphs (if that's even correct) or to buy a tool that allows for more manipulation of the g2 geometry?
You can aplly different morphs and mix morphs, and you can apply different skins to the same morph.