Horse Morphs for Genesis 1 or Genesis 2 Males?

A friend wants an "anthro horse" figure, then posed for him. The "antro horse" is a blend of a human male and a horse. I've never done anything like this before. (He'll get posed renders, of course, not the actual figure.) I have both Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. I also have some (or all, have to check) of the G1 Creature Morphs. I don't see anything like horse morphs. (It's not a centaur. It's an upright standing human, with just some horse characteristics.)
If I bought a horse, could the features be combined with the Genesis 1 figure? What about the Genesis 2 males? Can anyone suggest a product I could look at, one that might fill the bill here?
Is this enough?
Thank you. It's very interesting.
Here's a shot of Ed at about 50% with some muscle morphs thrown in.
Second one is full Ed and some of the muscle morphs and 50% of the Troll....
Well i've just made some Female Morphs for Genesis 2... if you want?

- Khajiirah