Mildred by Moyra for Everyday 1930 has a giant head. What am I doing wrong?

will shetterlywill shetterly Posts: 278
edited July 2015 in New Users

I have both Mildred and Madame Zelda by Moyra for Victoria 4 with morphs ++. I load Zelda, and she looks fine. I load Mildred, and her head is almost as big as her torso. The option to scale her head disappears. Any suggestions? It's kind of a cool effect, but not what I'm after. :)

ETA: I'm using Poser Pro 2014 on a Mac.

Post edited by will shetterly on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Make sure you have only one Runtime with a "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ:Victoria 4" folder.

  • You were right that I had two Runtimes like that. I merged them by hand, rebooted, and still have the same problem. I deleted and reinstalled Mildred, but that didn't help either. Any idea what else might be involved?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    After merging the runtimes, go to "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ" and run DzCreatreExPFiles-V4.command to create all the necessary files pointing to the correct location.

  • Alas, still no success. I did try zapping the pram and rebooting after running that command again, and I checked to make sure I only have one !DAZ folder.

    Could the problem be related to another oddness I'm having? Running DzCreateExPFiles-V4V3 brings up a request for a password, unlike the other morphs++ commands, and though I type in my computer's password, I only get this:

    Last login: Tue Jul 14 11:09:47 on console

    will-shetterlys-imac:~ will$ /Users/Shared/Daz-\ Actors/Runtime/Libraries/\!DAZ/DzCreateExPFiles-V4V3.command ; exit;


    sudo: command not found


    [Process completed]

    Any more ideas? I'm very grateful for your suggestions so far.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    It sounds like a permissions issue -- let me see if I can get hold of a Mac expert.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Hello, I gave a full reply in this thread to s´the same problem.


    Can anyone help me make DzCreateExPFiles-V4V3 work with Poser on a Mac?


  • Fixmypcmike, thanks for calling on Totte!

    Totte, that was me. For some reason, that only solved half the problem; it never let me create V4V3 files. I'm terrible at Terminal. I tried to guess what I needed to do to make V4V3 work, but never succeeded.

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