What are the best settings for this program? I recently bought this program and I can not render wel. There is always a strange noise, even after many hours rendering.
Hi, actually there are no best setting for any render engine, alot of factors can change with each scene creation. I alway's used default settings, suprisingly rendering decent results. From my experiences using Reality, I discovered noise develops from improper lighting, inadequate lighting. To many white surfaces can cause noise
This beginners guide was very helpful when I first began Luxrender. As for Reality you can recieve much more assistance at the Daz Reality forum Runtime DNA.
What are the stats and are you using the Luxrender GUI?
If so, you can do a couple of things in it...like enable the Importance Brush and use it on some of the problem areas...like the lips. Also, there are a number of tonemapping settings that can add some 'punch' to the render...one of the big ones, being the Film Response settings.
Using the Lux GUI option gives you access to parameters that you can change during the render.
And a 'finished' render is usually a lot higher than 150 S/p...some let it go to 1000 S/p. So minimally, double what you've got now...another 4 to 5 hours.
Not really sure i should attempt to help but lets try. First Reality takes a while to get to know, i have had for maybe three years and i have given up in frustration several times. So what i would suggest is keep persevering, in time you will get some great results. I think rendering vis GUI is not possible if you are a Mac user, maybe wrong there but thats what i think. awespmefb is right, you will find lots of help at the Daz for Reality forum so check it out here
Rendering normally with Reality is simple once you get the hang of it, but its not like 3delight. The quality of the render builds over time. So you need to let it cook, at the bottom of the Lux window is a stats bar and on that it shows the number of scans per pixel s/P, and this is the way to judge how long your render ahs been cooking. Sometimes you can get away with really low numbers, 300 or so, others you need a thousand plus. It all depends on the quality of the render and your personal standards.
Time talen to render is only important as it relates to s/P, a comples render which has high res will take longer than a low res one. One thing to note, Reality is going to offer an upgrade soonish, which will speed the render process up by as much as ten times. Its a good idea to read the manual and ask questions of the forum there.
I include a screen sshot of something i did that suited my standards and took maybe 30 minutes to render. Also Deviant art is a good resource for inspiration and tutorila and Help. Heres the link
Not really sure i should attempt to help but lets try. First Reality takes a while to get to know, i have had for maybe three years and i have given up in frustration several times. So what i would suggest is keep persevering, in time you will get some great results. I think rendering vis GUI is not possible if you are a Mac user, maybe wrong there but thats what i think. awespmefb is right, you will find lots of help at the Daz for Reality forum so check it out here
Rendering normally with Reality is simple once you get the hang of it, but its not like 3delight. The quality of the render builds over time. So you need to let it cook, at the bottom of the Lux window is a stats bar and on that it shows the number of scans per pixel s/P, and this is the way to judge how long your render ahs been cooking. Sometimes you can get away with really low numbers, 300 or so, others you need a thousand plus. It all depends on the quality of the render and your personal standards.
Time talen to render is only important as it relates to s/P, a comples render which has high res will take longer than a low res one. One thing to note, Reality is going to offer an upgrade soonish, which will speed the render process up by as much as ten times. Its a good idea to read the manual and ask questions of the forum there.
I include a screen sshot of something i did that suited my standards and took maybe 30 minutes to render. Also Deviant art is a good resource for inspiration and tutorila and Help. Heres the link
PS. The render times are also directly affected by your machines power. This stuff is greedy, you need to know if you have a high end machine the whole thing will be much faster. I dont have that luxury, i do have a bog standard iMac about thre years old now, but i upped the ram to 16GB. So maybe that makes my rendering faster..
I'm pretty sure that even on a Mac you can access the Lux GUI, but not sure of how to do it through Reality.
Reality should be putting out a lxs file, which is the scene file in Luxrender format. You can start the GUI manually and then open that file (there should also be a 'film' file that will allow you to resume a render, which is another file option in the GUI).
I do not understand, the first image rendered 30 minutes, ~ 150s / p.It begins to look good but it takes time ( no accelatation).
The second image (pure GPU) renders 32 minutes, 5Ks/p. They are missing out on the details, eyes and hair look strange.Of course I understand that pure GPU is faster, but why not have details.
What are your version numbers (Reality, Luxrender)?
Maybe i should avoid giving advice. Of course i can access the Lux GUI, its the GPU acceleration thats a problem with Reality. Acronyms were never my strong point...
In my opinion the first image is of beter quality than the second, maybe you should consider that 30 minutes isnt long in this game. A render can take hours, even days, i occasionally leave my machine on overnight to give a render time to build. You can always come back and resume something as well, so maybe exercising a little patience might not hurt.
When the upgrade finally arrives i would think render times will improve greatly...
To be honest friend, if your new to Reality/Luxrender, begin simple, learn how each tool works, especially lighting, and referance the user guide provided with Reality/Luxrender. Begin with primitives, or simple objects such as a chair, a ball, glass, pencil, etc..... add lights, observe how lights reflect off surface etc.... I do not recommend beginners to start with model characters, till they have an understanding of how software tools work. I learned the hardway, 3D never happens over night, and alway's start simple.
I never used Gpu acceleration, and do not recommend to newbies. GPU acceleration changes everything, a whole new learning curve.
Here's two renders I did, when I first began using Luxrender, then school supplies Reality/Lux. Good luck, have fun.
I am presently using a Haptek character with an AI program, Zabawares Ultra Hal. The Haptek charcters are pretty old and have a low poly count, the body does not have colission detection so clothing is skin tight and her hand can go into her body, also long hair will enter her shoulders. She also can distort when posing in extreme positions. Some of the good features are she contains a state machine which gives her some movement when waiting for a reply, and her moods are determined by the AI thats dependent on what you say. The latest characters have fleshy body parts controled by a physics file, .phy, which I miss with the Daz characters. There are also arm and hand gestures wen she talks for a length of time. Basically I'd like to use a higher Poly count mesh with this Haptek character. It seems the Daz characters are made for video which is great for story telling and they have great skin textures.
LuxRender is free - it's the plug-ins for DAZ Studio and Poser that aren't. Are you using Luxus or Reality?
Ops ,my bad, sorry.I was talking about reality 4.0.7 .
I noticed the rendering no acceleration is slower but may not have the noise and errors.
Hi, actually there are no best setting for any render engine, alot of factors can change with each scene creation. I alway's used default settings, suprisingly rendering decent results. From my experiences using Reality, I discovered noise develops from improper lighting, inadequate lighting. To many white surfaces can cause noise
This beginners guide was very helpful when I first began Luxrender. As for Reality you can recieve much more assistance at the Daz Reality forum Runtime DNA.
Also, too many glossy/glossy translucent surfaces will spike render time AND increase noise.
I have never felt so helpless. I am so close and yet so far from perfect quality.
Looks pretty good...but unfinished.
What are the stats and are you using the Luxrender GUI?
If so, you can do a couple of things in it...like enable the Importance Brush and use it on some of the problem areas...like the lips. Also, there are a number of tonemapping settings that can add some 'punch' to the render...one of the big ones, being the Film Response settings.
4-5 hours rendering and ~ 150S/p
No, why should I?
Using the Lux GUI option gives you access to parameters that you can change during the render.
And a 'finished' render is usually a lot higher than 150 S/p...some let it go to 1000 S/p. So minimally, double what you've got now...another 4 to 5 hours.
Sorry to ask so stupid but where is lux gui?
Not really sure i should attempt to help but lets try. First Reality takes a while to get to know, i have had for maybe three years and i have given up in frustration several times. So what i would suggest is keep persevering, in time you will get some great results. I think rendering vis GUI is not possible if you are a Mac user, maybe wrong there but thats what i think. awespmefb is right, you will find lots of help at the Daz for Reality forum so check it out here
Rendering normally with Reality is simple once you get the hang of it, but its not like 3delight. The quality of the render builds over time. So you need to let it cook, at the bottom of the Lux window is a stats bar and on that it shows the number of scans per pixel s/P, and this is the way to judge how long your render ahs been cooking. Sometimes you can get away with really low numbers, 300 or so, others you need a thousand plus. It all depends on the quality of the render and your personal standards.
Time talen to render is only important as it relates to s/P, a comples render which has high res will take longer than a low res one. One thing to note, Reality is going to offer an upgrade soonish, which will speed the render process up by as much as ten times. Its a good idea to read the manual and ask questions of the forum there.
I include a screen sshot of something i did that suited my standards and took maybe 30 minutes to render. Also Deviant art is a good resource for inspiration and tutorila and Help. Heres the link
Hope that helps
Not really sure i should attempt to help but lets try. First Reality takes a while to get to know, i have had for maybe three years and i have given up in frustration several times. So what i would suggest is keep persevering, in time you will get some great results. I think rendering vis GUI is not possible if you are a Mac user, maybe wrong there but thats what i think. awespmefb is right, you will find lots of help at the Daz for Reality forum so check it out here
Rendering normally with Reality is simple once you get the hang of it, but its not like 3delight. The quality of the render builds over time. So you need to let it cook, at the bottom of the Lux window is a stats bar and on that it shows the number of scans per pixel s/P, and this is the way to judge how long your render ahs been cooking. Sometimes you can get away with really low numbers, 300 or so, others you need a thousand plus. It all depends on the quality of the render and your personal standards.
Time talen to render is only important as it relates to s/P, a comples render which has high res will take longer than a low res one. One thing to note, Reality is going to offer an upgrade soonish, which will speed the render process up by as much as ten times. Its a good idea to read the manual and ask questions of the forum there.
I include a screen sshot of something i did that suited my standards and took maybe 30 minutes to render. Also Deviant art is a good resource for inspiration and tutorila and Help. Heres the link
Hope that helps
PS. The render times are also directly affected by your machines power. This stuff is greedy, you need to know if you have a high end machine the whole thing will be much faster. I dont have that luxury, i do have a bog standard iMac about thre years old now, but i upped the ram to 16GB. So maybe that makes my rendering faster..
I'm pretty sure that even on a Mac you can access the Lux GUI, but not sure of how to do it through Reality.
Reality should be putting out a lxs file, which is the scene file in Luxrender format. You can start the GUI manually and then open that file (there should also be a 'film' file that will allow you to resume a render, which is another file option in the GUI).
I do not understand, the first image rendered 30 minutes, ~ 150s / p.It begins to look good but it takes time ( no accelatation).
The second image (pure GPU) renders 32 minutes, 5Ks/p. They are missing out on the details, eyes and hair look strange.Of course I understand that pure GPU is faster, but why not have details.
Reality 4.0.7 build 67
Luxrender 1.3.1
What are your version numbers (Reality, Luxrender)?
Maybe i should avoid giving advice. Of course i can access the Lux GUI, its the GPU acceleration thats a problem with Reality. Acronyms were never my strong point...
In my opinion the first image is of beter quality than the second, maybe you should consider that 30 minutes isnt long in this game. A render can take hours, even days, i occasionally leave my machine on overnight to give a render time to build. You can always come back and resume something as well, so maybe exercising a little patience might not hurt.
When the upgrade finally arrives i would think render times will improve greatly...
To be honest friend, if your new to Reality/Luxrender, begin simple, learn how each tool works, especially lighting, and referance the user guide provided with Reality/Luxrender. Begin with primitives, or simple objects such as a chair, a ball, glass, pencil, etc..... add lights, observe how lights reflect off surface etc.... I do not recommend beginners to start with model characters, till they have an understanding of how software tools work. I learned the hardway, 3D never happens over night, and alway's start simple.
I never used Gpu acceleration, and do not recommend to newbies. GPU acceleration changes everything, a whole new learning curve.
Here's two renders I did, when I first began using Luxrender, then school supplies Reality/Lux. Good luck, have fun.
Good to know, thanks. Can you tell me how long did it take you to render each of these pictures,
I am presently using a Haptek character with an AI program, Zabawares Ultra Hal. The Haptek charcters are pretty old and have a low poly count, the body does not have colission detection so clothing is skin tight and her hand can go into her body, also long hair will enter her shoulders. She also can distort when posing in extreme positions. Some of the good features are she contains a state machine which gives her some movement when waiting for a reply, and her moods are determined by the AI thats dependent on what you say. The latest characters have fleshy body parts controled by a physics file, .phy, which I miss with the Daz characters. There are also arm and hand gestures wen she talks for a length of time. Basically I'd like to use a higher Poly count mesh with this Haptek character. It seems the Daz characters are made for video which is great for story telling and they have great skin textures.
At the time I was on a dual core, WinXP OS chair took approx 45 minutes, on my new system school supplies took approx 15 minutes.