SBH with textures in 3Delight
Is there a way to render strand based/ dforce hairs in 3Delight with textures? When I apply the RSL Strand-Based Hair Shader, I loose the diffuse parameters and the hair renders with a flat color. I actually want to render with a toon shader effect, but I can't seem to figure out to even render in 3Delight with textures.
Well, as far as I know DAZ didn''t bother. to update the UV-layout for RiCurves, so the UV runs along the width, not the length of the curves. That's why you will get only a flat shade, as no UV data is passed on to the shader.
You could always file a feature request!
Thank you, Sven Dullah. I'll make a request and hope something comes of it. I would settle for a future feature of strand based hair allowing for object export and generation of textures similar to Look At My Hair, which no longer seems supported by even AM for some of his more recent animals in favor of dforce fur, unfortunately.