DIM Sorting Incorrectly?
I normally sort the DIM lists by date of purchase. Recently, it lists a few dozen older products that are not DIM-installed (purchased and installed before DIM), alphabetically, before my most recent purchases. Anyone else seeing this? Is my account broken somehow?
After I installed an update to DIM default filters, my sorting was wrong. I closed DIM and reopened it and sorting looked better.
I just noticed the samething, very weird.
I just loaded DIM to double check and it looks normal to me...
Now it's really being wonky. Everytime I reopen it, it shows me more old items I purchased in the past, with a purchase date of today. Lol.
Yes, mine is showing alphabetically. I always have my most recent purchases on top, but no matter how I try to sort it, it won't give me the most recent first.
It's likely some characters non-alphabetic characters in the product titles are involved, like quotation marks or other symbols, that sort of thing.
I see that my first "alphabetic" sort item is the ancient 'Blowin' in the Wind' Tool. There are four such items with the single quote mark ('), followed by a couple items with a period (.), then numbers--which the rest of the sorting mostly runs normal, although it sometimes gets messed up whenever space characters show up in weird places and arragements.
Annoying to those of us who grew up with English as our primary language, but we just have to chalk it up to the fact that computers never learned English, and you can't teach it to them. Computers are too logical, and that's something you can't accuse English of ever being.![cheeky cheeky](https://www.daz3d.com/forums/plugins/ckeditor/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.png)
I've had the same problem with my DIM since yesterday.
This same problem has occured to me as well. I have DIM Sort Order set to: Order Date : Recent First
But it now shows my products listed Alphabettically (#'s, A, B, C, etc.) so my older purchased products are showing up on top.
Subscribers of this forum.... Do you also experience the following issue:
In the Product Library on the Daz3d.com website, all of my purchases from the past 2 days (Wednesday and Thrusday) will no longer load the photo, product details, or manual download links. NOTE: I am experiencing this issue both on my Mac and Windows PC. Are all of you experiencing this issue too?
Hopefully, someone from the Daz Team will chime-in and acknowledge that they are working on these issues, or if we should submit Support Tickets(?)
My Product Library is showing normally, but my DIM is still not sorting entirely correctly. My newer items are on top now, but not in the order I bought them. Some of the things I bought a day or two ago are above the ones I bought this morning. I can't figure out why it's doing this. Did DAZ fiddle with DIM in some way?
Not only that they seem to be on shuffle.
My purchases from today are also inaccessible in Product Library - but they were there OK about 4-5 hours ago when I bought them, because I went to check on the file sizes. Now I get the spinning shape if I try to select one of them.
Similar here. I purchased the freebies and they show up as black swirlies only. I let it swirl for 45 minutes, but it never changed.
Daz is looking into this issue.
Thanks for update, Richard. I hope they sort it out before they quit for the weekend.
My Product Library is now working. It worked earlier this morning, then later I got the black swirlies, and now it's working perfectly again. Not sure what's happening. Still can't get my DIM to sort correctly, though.
Still black swirlies for me.
Me too.
DIM is still messed up for me (won't sort by Recent Order), and my Product Library only properly displays products before this past Wednesday... anything purchased on or after Wednesday and I get a case of the Black Swirles too. The Black Swirles sounds like a good title for something ;)
Oh thank goodness, it's not just me. Was able to download some things this morning from my order, but since then... no love, all black swirlies.
Edit: ...And as soon as I posted, it started working. huh.
Nope, still just black swirlies for me.
My Product Library was fixed for a very short time, but it's broken again. Black swirlies have returned.
Same problem(s) here.
Old stuff says I purchased it on 9/24 and needs installed. Stuff I recently purchased (but haven't installed yet) shows that its installed. DAZ centeral is all but useless to me now.
The product library swirlies look like they may be fixed; I get them for several seconds and then the product page pops in. From that point on, the product page apperas immediately. However - my last two order's products all show as manually added.
FWIW, the first of those two orders was V9; I'm wondering if part of the problem is caused by having an order for an unreleased product.
Thanks for the heads up. I see the same now - manually added, but no reference to the real order number.
I did not buy V9, so that may have nothing to do with the problem.
There were massive issues of the sorts when DAZ updated their store a while back, never really got fixed properly but I learnt to live with it by sorting bypurchase day in Central. However, not sure what happens this time around but it's getting concerning and frankly hard to deal with. I have a large collection of items accumulated over the years. Daz doesnt offer the best content mamangement to start with, but in the state things are today, it's just impossible to be productive. Takes more time to look for products than to create anything. Everytime I re-open Daz Central, the order is now different! Slot machine content management is NOT a solution! Daz, please fix and improve QA. thx.
DAZ TEAM... Here are the 2 issues that still need fixing and a possible solution:
1. DIM
Ready to Download tab --> Products
Sort Order: (Order Date: Recent First)
PROBLEM: DIM is listing the products I purchased on September 21st and September 22nd before the new products that I purchased today and every day after September 22nd.
POSSIBLE TIP TO A SOLUTION: If I hover over any of the products from Sept 21-22 that are incorrectly showing at the top of the list, the Pop-Up shows
Order ID: --- Unknown ---
All of the other products that display correctly have an Order ID number. This Order ID Number is what is missing from the Daz Database on September 21st and 22nd and needs to be added by the DAZ TEAM.
PROBLEM: All products are displaying correctly except purchases from September 21st and September 22nd
Products from those 2 days only display the Black Swirls and no product info or download links
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Most likley this has to do with the same problem as DIM... the products purchased from these 2 days are missing the ORDER ID number.
NOTE: Users using Daz Central are also experiencing the disordered items problem.
The issue has been identified, and is/was being corrected on the servers. Once that is done everything should go back to normal (which I suspect means the ordering in Connect will still be off, but DIM/Daz Central should be good)
Thanks for keeping us informed on the progress, Richard. Do you know if the problem with our Product Library showing "Manually Added" instead of the real order number, will be corrected?
I'd missed that part of the issue. if it isn't fixed let me know and I can pass it on, but please wait until the other fix is done to check.