Daz Install Manager (DIM) Not Showing Latest Purchases For Download
I submitted a ticket, but figured I would post here as well. My recent purchases within the last week are not appearing in DIM for download and installation. Products also do not appear in in the Daz Studio 4.20 Smart Content tab as available for download. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems? Any possible solutions?
My DIM is showing things in the wrong order. It sorts them in aphabetic order, no matter what order I tell it to show me. It won't show me the most recently purchased items on top and no matter what order I tell it to show, it won't give me the most current items first. This only happened as of today.
Alpha-numeric is always used as a tie-breaker, it may be that the server is not supplying the correct data for other sorts to work (this has been an issue with purchase date in the data sent to DS fro some time). If you hover over the product the tool tip will show the data that the server is sending.
I'm nto sure if it's an identical issue, but mine seems to have messed up as well,
i.e seemingly the purchase date info has been lost and so it seems to think I purchased everything today.
Yes, same here it's telling me I bought things today and I just rolled out of bed. Everything that it says I bought was from years ago. Weird stuff going on for sure.
For those of us who have integrated DazCentral into our workflow, this is another serious DAZ-induced disruption. With DIM, it is possible to sort by install date, as an alternative. Not possible with DazCentral.
Does anyone know if there is a way to cause DIM to re-build the DIM database locally (on the end-user machine)? For example, by deleting file(s) and/or directories (being sure to back up first).
For those experiencing this issue, it is extremely important to let DAZ know via the Help Center (https://helpdaz.zendesk.com/hc/en-us).
What I found yesterday was my purchase dates had been removed in my Product Library, and it seems it may be tied to the printing license which I did not purchase, but was uploaded for my older items.
Windows seemed okay yesterday, but Mac's DIM is still a mess.
As a follow-on, I notice something that seems interesting to me: both DIM and DazCentral have incorrect order dates for most items. However, in DAZ Studio, when I sort All Products in Smart Content by Order Date, the items all show in correct sort order by order date. Why?
I'm glad i'm not the only one with those issues !
I could narrow down the problems to an order placed on 2022-09-23
DIM lost the real order date on several items
After placing another order today (2022-09-25), only items ordered 2022-09-23 show up the wrong date in DIM
no access to the download links from DAZ website anymore now :(
looks like a big internal DAZ customer database problem to me ...
Printing licenses were added over a period of weeks and were pretty much done before this issue showed up just recently, so they are not likely to be related.
Did you have a chance to check your database within DAZ Studio Smart Content? If DS data is correct but DIM is not, this tends to indicate to me that it could be a local issue (e.g. corrupt local DIM database).
Well, I just logged into my DazCentral and the issue magically appears to be fixed.
**Update** Spoke too soon. Purchased a new item from the store and it did not show up in DazCentral as the latest purchase.
It looks like something is propagating through all the products in Daz's database, a few hours ago I had about 100 products that had no order number or date associated with them, in either DIM or the product list on the website under my account. (I don't know anything about Daz Central, but I like to sort DIM by order date so that's why I noticed this issue. Maybe Daz Central doesn't show products with no order number for some reason?)
But I just checked again now, and those pruducts from before have the correct order info in both My Account and DIM. However, another set of products that were fine a few hours ago now have no order data. The products range from things I bought in 2011 to things I bought last week, so there's no rhyme or reason except that it must be some process that's going through every product in the database. But it's probably a temporary problem.