Uninstall/reinstall DAZ Studio
I am running DAZ Studio 4.20 on a PC with Windows 10. Due to various issues I am running into, I want to uninstall and do a fresh reinstall. I've used DAZ Central since it was released to install everthing. From what I've read on the forums, some people suggest uninstalling it via DAZ Central. According to the Help Center here https://helpdaz.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055963392-How-do-I-uninstall-delete-Daz-Studio- I should just delete all the folders that contain DAZ and it's files. Can anyone that has successfully done this, give me some tips?
Uninstall using whichever tool you used to install - but bear in mind that this will not touch settings or content, so unless your issues are damage to files it probably won't achieve anything useful.
Thank you for your quick response Richard. One of the issues I am having is with the 'duplicate formula' error. I've gone through my log file and removed whatever was thrown these errors that was listed in there. But there seems to be no end to the errors. No matter how much I uninstall, something else gives me an error. This just started a few days ago, I removed whatever I installed since just before the errors began.
Duplicate Formula will not be fixed by uninstalling DAZ Studio, as it has nothing to do with the problem.
The problem is caused by two or more Asset products (Characters, morph packs) using the same names for the morphs.
Like if one creator has a figure called "Maria", the morph for the body may be called "FBMMaria" and the morph for the head "FHMMaria".
Surpricingly there may be several other creators that have also made a ficure called "Maria" and they have used exactly the same names for their morphs.
Unfortunately, the DAZ Log identifies only one of the "Maria"s that are conflicting with the other ones.
The only fix is to keep removing the characters/morph packs until there are no more Duplicate Formula warnings, and yes I have seen new, unrelated warnings appear after having removed other conflicting morphs.
Ok, thank you! I will keep plugging away and see if I can resolve it.
Duplicate Formulas can be an outright error in a single file, usually from running ERC Freeze twice on the same controller, but that shouldn't make it into a store product.
I uninstalled everything Genesis 8 related except the Starter Essentials and the base head/body morphs. No more duplicate formula errors. I'm slowly reinstalling items in batches and checking to see if I get the errors.
Update - I was installing a few items everyday and had no issues, until today. The dreaded 'duplicate formulas' were back. But I figured out what was causing the problem. Ultimate Bend Morphs. I had 2 of them installed and removed both, error went away. I'll try reinstalling one at a time to see which one it was.
Ah, I missed that. Thx PerttiA!