Some characters for V4 dont show

lonewolf55559lonewolf55559 Posts: 16
edited July 2015 in New Users

Hello all, my name is kenneth, i have all the victoria 4.2 content, victoria 4.2++ and so on, and i have bought Alexa for V4, mimi for V4, heartbreak for V4, casey for V4 and aphrodite for V4, but after i installed these they dont show in the daz program no matter what i try, the  only character that have worked for victoria 4.2 is the Teen ashle character. every else dont show and wont work, why is that?

Post edited by fixmypcmike on


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Hello Kenneth, how did you install these characters, and where are you looking?

    These are all in Poser Format, so you should be looking in the Content Library pane, under Poser Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Pose, and you should find INJ (Inject) and REM (Remove) files for the characters, as well as make up options etc.

    If you installed using DIM (DAZ Install Manager) then go to the installed tab there, find the character, right click, and select 'Show Installed Files'  that will give you a list of everything that was installed, and where it was installed to.

  • lonewolf55559lonewolf55559 Posts: 16
    edited July 2015

    Hello, i installed these using DAZ install manager,aswell as the only working teen ashley character and hair, i dont have poser tho only regular DAZ 3d .8 the latest version :) i cant seem to locate those INJ and REM files for characters that you mentioned

    Post edited by lonewolf55559 on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    If it is not already visible, then go to Window > Panes (Tabs) > Content Library, and the pane should appear in your UI.

    I would suggest docking it somewhere, at the left or right as it can be extremely useful.

  • Okey, but what do i do with those files once i find them?

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    With the V4 character loaded into the scene, and selected, double-click on any of those shape/morph INJections you want her to have.  Note, she may look funny if any of them require an un-injected morph/shapoe such as supplied with Base, Morph++, Elite, etc.  They also may not show up directly, but just become available via the Shaping tab by use of a dial once INJected.

    Don't worry, it will soon become second nature in hunting this stuff down!

  • Thanx simon, hehe yeah its a bi** when youre so into this and then just stopped in youre tracks, i have used DAZ for only three weeks,but i'm hooked, deeply hooked!, always have loved 3D, and DAZ made it possible for me without a engineering degree to get good results :)

  • The shaping tab dont show when i select god what a utter disaster the V4 character is...

  • Wish daz would describe their products properly! i have wasted money on things that in the end arent compatible with whta i already have cause of the poor advertising and description, bet the owners are happy making money of me...and unless you have a supercomputer and lots of money you can forget even try 3D art...i have a i7 cpu, geforce gt650m and 16 gb ram, and that isnt half of what is required

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012
    edited September 2015

    Wish daz would describe their products properly! i have wasted money on things that in the end arent compatible with whta i already have cause of the poor advertising and description, bet the owners are happy making money of me...and unless you have a supercomputer and lots of money you can forget even try 3D art...i have a i7 cpu, geforce gt650m and 16 gb ram, and that isnt half of what is required


    I'm not sure from your description what the problem is. I'm running Daz on an i5 with a gtx550 and 8gb ram and get by just fine albeit with some longer render times depending on the complexity of my scene. What trouble are you running into with V4?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited September 2015


    Slow down. No offense, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and learning any 3D application takes some time and patience. As for needing a supercomputer, that simply isn't so. This PC (the one I am typing this on right now) is essentially used for web access by anyone in the family needing it. It is practically ancient by current standards, having a Core 2 Quad processor, 8 GB of DDR2 memory and an HD3870 GPU with 512 MB of video memory. I currently have DAZ Studio open with V4 and a bunch of morph packages open and everything is as it should be. I have more than a hundred characters, both paid and free, installed for the model and can load any of them without problem. But I have been doing this for awhile and so it is second nature for me. My point is that you have everything you need to do what you want except one thing: experience. There are plenty of people here, most of whom are not DAZ employees, who are more than willing to take the time to help. All you need to do is ask and be a little patient. Eventually any issues you are having will get sorted out, and then you can share what you have learned with others and pay it forward.

    Now, regarding "the shaping tab don't show when I load V4". Firstly, the shaping tab should be available when you open DAZ Studio without anything loaded. Depending on the version of DAZ Studio you are using and/or the style of the DAZ interface you have selected, it should be a tab available on either the right or left side of the viewport window. If no figure is loaded, or none selected, then accessing the tab will show nothing. If V4 is selected (not simply loaded, but loaded and selected under the Scene tab), then accessing the shaping tab should also show Victoria 4. I don't have the latest version of DAZ Studio installed on this PC, but I do have the public build installed, so it should be much the same as what you have. Here is a screenshot of what I have (note the red arrows). Do you not have the same?


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    Post edited by SixDs on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    V4 predates the addition of the Shaping and Posing panes, you will need to use the Parameters pane.

  • lonewolf55559lonewolf55559 Posts: 16
    edited September 2015

    you dont need to waste time, this wont work anyways, besides, I dont think i have everything i need unfortunately, I also made the mistake bying reality 4.1....wich renders even slower than regular iray and 3delight, (with that you DEFINATELY need a high end computer) nowhere near the example showed on YT by pret-a-3d (tried the same settings too),and seems to me produces the same results, i am unemployed so i cant afford any more characters or anything (dont worry i gave up on V4 and just uninstalled it) and time is no issue since i live alone, (yes i might be pathetic)just too irritating to buy something that its not as "it is", guess this just wasnt for me, like the world itself

    Post edited by lonewolf55559 on
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Assuming that you do have the figure loaded and selected as shown in my previous post, it is important to understand that the shaping tab isn't necessarily required to get the character morphs you mentioned you have to work with V4. Some older V4 characters may load as morph sliders, meaning there are dials that will show up under the shaping tab when the character is loaded (Note that I am talking now about the characters - Alexa, Mimi, Heartbreak, etc., not V4 herself). This is what SimonJM was referring to. V4 will not show the effects of the character morph in such instances until you move the slider, either to 1 or 100%, depending upon how the slider was set up. However, most V4 characters load automatically if V4 is selected and the character morph is double-clicked under the Content Library tab, so you won't need the surfaces tab in that case.

    Can you actually see the character morphs listed in the Content Library tab? They will probably show up under "Poser Format" rather than DAZ Studio format, since poser format was the standard when V4 was the primary figure years ago. It has nothing to do with Poser, perse, it merely refers to the format of the files.

  • I don't understand why you are giving up so soon? I have only been doing this for 3 weeks as well and would love to know how to do all of this RIGHT NOW but it doesn't work like that. There is a HUGE amount of stuff to learn.  And I have found that as soon as I have one thing figured out somethign else crops up that requires me to spend more time on the forums, more time watching you tube videos and more time just mucking about the program trying to figure things out.  But I find that to be half the fun and the best way to learn.  There is absolutely no possible way that you can figure everything out in three weeks.  The people here are incredibly helpful and very patient and willing to go over and over even the most simple of questions until we newbies get it.  As far as rendering time goes, I have a brand new computer with a ton of memory and speed and some of the renders I do take hours to complete.  So I don't think your computer is the problem.  Go into the answers here and follow the steps one at time until you find what you are looking for. There are two sets of libraries in your program.  One is daz studio and one is poser.  BOTH of these are on your very first set of tabe when you go to load a scene.  sometimes, poser items go to that library (poser/daz3dlibray) instead of into the first Daz Studio file.  And most of the time if you buy a character you can't just click on it and it turns your model into that character.  sometimes yes mostly you have to go the shaping tab and use the morph sliders to change them.

  • And honestly, if you really love to do 3d then don't give up.  Just keep looking and trying and reading and it will slowly come together.  I am totally terrified of figuring out how to light scenes but I want to learn this so I keep reading and paying attention and playing with it.  Most of it still seems like gibberish and makes no sense to me at all, but the more I stick with it the more it slowly starts to make a tiny bit of sense.

  • john_antkowiakjohn_antkowiak Posts: 334
    edited September 2015

    I totally get your frustration, Kenneth - my "deeply hooked" 3-weeks-in was only a few weeks AGO and my head is still spinning too, with stuff that makes no sense. I started a thread about HeadShop that I can't even respond to because it's so frustrating. No offense to the good people trying to help there; it has nothing to do with them. (Note to anyone happening to follow it: I'm working on it, and I'll get back to it. This other issue came up in the course of trying to work around Head Shop.) I came across your thread trying to figure out my own invisible-Victoria-character dilemma (Michael 4 really, but same difference). 


    I get the sense that DAZ is trying to protect us adults from our own prurient interests, forcing us to start with pre-dressed figures. (Somebody should mention to them that maybe they've already let that particular cat out of its bag!) Normally if I want to remove a clothing item from my scene, I just select it in the Scene tab and click "delete." Not so with M4/V4. There's nothing to select! (If I could load him again, I'd take a screen shot and show you what I mean. But if I could do that, I wouldn't even be here  lol) How do I get rid of it? Is it some sort of Material setting? Because I'm not seeing that either. Personally, I think they ought not treat us like we were 5. That's what the government's for!


    I've already used Michael a few times, and I still can't figure out how to get him into a scene. I'm told the Smart Content tab keeps your most curently used files ready to use again, but as you can see in the first image below, that's not working out so well for me. I haven't even loaded anything else since him. You can also see in the second image, searching for "Michael" in either the Content Library tab in the left pane, or the Smart Content tab in the center, yields no results. Can anyone explain this to me? He's not in Content Library/DAZ Studio Formats/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Michael 4. (And neither is Victoria 4 in her respective directory!) There's only one way I think I was able to get him before... but check out the Content Library tab in the third image. 


    There are supposed to be two more directories. One should give me an alphabetical listing of all the Products I have, and the other is supposed to list things by Category. Both have disappeared. AGAIN. What am I inadvertently clicking, to make this happen? How do I get them back? The pane menu in the upper right corner has no hint. But if I could open the M tree under Products, I could select Michael 4 there and add him to the Smart Content tab. Then I could go there and add him to the scene.


    If DAZ were trying to make its software as complicated to use as humanly possible... would they have designed it any differently? I think not.


    Now, I know I can learn this. So can you, Kenneth. I taught myself Visual Basic for [Microsoft] Applications programming, very successfully. I also taught myself Arcview for creating GIS maps. I'm still getting familiar with GIMP. I had no prior background in any of it. I know how you feel, truly. But consider this advice, please:


    Give yourself at least a good six weeks before you have a meltdown and chuck it all... like I'm doing with HeadShop!

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    Where'sMichael 02.jpg
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    Where'sMichael 03.jpg
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    Post edited by john_antkowiak on
  • I've already used Michael a few times, and I still can't figure out how to get him into a scene. I'm told the Smart Content tab keeps your most curently used files ready to use again, but as you can see in the first image below, that's not working out so well for me. I haven't even loaded anything else since him. You can also see in the second image, searching for "Michael" in either the Content Library tab in the left pane, or the Smart Content tab in the center, yields no results. Can anyone explain this to me? He's not in Content Library/DAZ Studio Formats/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Michael 4. (And neither is Victoria 4 in her respective directory!) There's only one way I think I was able to get him before... but check out the Content Library tab in the third image. 

    First of all, Smart Content does not do what you think it does, and it relies on the database and Metdata to work at all.   If you load M4, and have him selected in the Scene pane (or Viewport), then Smart Content will only display items that relate to him.   That is the 'Smart'  part.   It has nothing to do with what was loaded before.

    I can see from your images, that the CMS is not running, so Search wont work and Smart Content wont work either.   In your third image, I can see that you don;t have Products or Categories displayed in the Content Library pane, that is enough to tell me that CMS is not running.   We need to sort that out first.

    You wont ever find M4 in the Content Library pane undere DAZ Studio Formats, M4 (like all generation 4 figures and before) is in Poser Format.   You should find him in Poser Formats > My DAZ 3D library > Figures > DAZ People.   A lot to learn, granted.

    How did you install DS and it's content, using DIM (DAZ Install Manager)?    If so, did you install PostgreSQL which is the latest CMS that DS uses?

  • You could also have a look at this thread :

    Scott Livingstone DAZ Figure History:

    We need to get your CMS running first of all.   In the drop-down menu for the Content Library pane (NOT Smart Content) you should have several options, there should be a 'Start CMS' and a 'Stop CMS' option.   Try starting it from there.

    The drop down menu is at the top right hand side of the pane, and looks like four horizontal lines with a small arrow.

  • Wow, thanks, Jimmy. I'm glad this makes sense to somebody! First, I don't know what CMS is, but the options for both Start and Stop are greyed out. I have used the Content Directory Manager, the Scan Directories function, and the Search Hard Drive(s) functions several times. Second, the Search functions worked just fine the other day. What the heck happened? Could be some glitch in the Beta version, I suppose...


    Hmm... no. I just checked the free version too, and it's the same thing there.


    Third, when installing a product, if the zip file has the IM naming convention, I use the Install Manager; if not, I've been doing manual install. I don't know why I picked up that habit a few weeks ago, but I did.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited September 2015

    Could be some glitch in the Beta version, I suppose...

    You really should not be running a Beta version, the latest version is and you can find your version by going to Help > About DAZ Studio.   There is no current Beta version that I know of.

    CMS (Content Management Service) and you can find it inside DIM in your Ready to Install tab as 'PostgreSQL (Win 64 bit)'   There is also a program in DIM called 'PostgreSQL CMS from Valentina CMS Conversion' which you can run to transfer over the older db to the new one.

    The older version was Valentina/CMS which ran a process called ContentManagementServer.exe in windows Task manager.    The latest version is PostgreSQL, which is much more stable and gives less problems, I would suggest installing it.   Once installed, each time you run DAZ Studio, you will find several instances of 'postgre.exe' running in Task manager, that is the CMS

    Third, when installing a product, if the zip file has the IM naming convention, I use the Install Manager; if not, I've been doing manual install. I don't know why I picked up that habit a few weeks ago, but I did.

    I seldom look at my Product Library for content, DIM automatically picks it up, and places it in the Ready to Install tab, and I install it from there.   There are very few items that DIM does not see.   DIM also shows any files that have been updated recently, and that in itself is a boon. 

    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • Oops, I missed one. "did you install PostgreSQL which is the latest CMS that DS uses?" Well... not deliberately  lol... I just used the default settings when intalling the Install Manager itself, two months or so ago. Should I have done something different?


    Now I remember why I first set the User Guide down and don't refer to it. I've done a lot of technical writing work on User Guides, and it really bugs me when things aren't explained. Start at the beginning (the general), then go to the middle, then go to the end (the most specific). Don't start at the end. The UV section is a good example: I guess they assumed I already know what UV stands for, and that it apparently doesn't stand for UlraViolet in some sort of light-reflective function reference. Or maybe they just forgot to mention it. Either way, I'm still in the dark...

  • Oops, I missed one. "did you install PostgreSQL which is the latest CMS that DS uses?" Well... not deliberately  lol... I just used the default settings when intalling the Install Manager itself, two months or so ago. Should I have done something different?

    Load DIM, go to the Installed tab, change Sort Order to 'Name: A - Z', then click on the 'P' key to take you down to the start of the Ps.   If it is installed, it should be listed there.


  • Well that's interesting. I distinctly remember downloading the free version (possibly Public Build, about 2-3 months ago I didn't note the version number at the time but I think I'd have noticed if it were called "Pro" like it is now, according to my splash screen. That's because I received some notice of the free, public availability of the 4.8 Pro BETA version almost immediately afterward - "Pro" seemed like a paid version, just like Arcview and Photoshop use, and I wanted to see what was different about it. So I downloaded and installed it too. That was - unless my recollection is that bad - also about two months ago. I renamed my desktop shortcuts to reflect the free and BETA versions, and I've thought of them that way ever since. But you're right; BETA has been renamed and it's just Pro Edition now. Am I using something I was supposed to pay for? Yikes! Could that be causing any problems?


    ...I just checked the Ready To Install tab in IM, and I have two versions of "PostgreSQL CMS from Valentina CMS Conversion." The first is called exactly that; the second adds "Public Build +Beta+" at the end. I'm installing them now. I probably hid them because I had a confusing exchange of messges with DAZ about what happened when I tried to install the Photoshop Bidge that IM said was waiting to be installed. The error, I came to understand, was because I don't have Photoshop. I didn't seek out and purchase the Bridge. I couldn't install it. So I hid it - and I guess I did the same with the PostgreSQL files that I also didn't ask for and didn't understand what they were. But I have successfully used the database many times, so they weren't necessary for it to function.  Anyway, again - they're installing now. (Better technical writing would've prevented all those misunderstandings from the start. Just saying...)


    I apologize in advance if I'm writing this while you're busy answering, like my last post....


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Anyone just starting with DAZ Studio (and not coming from Poser) should not use Victoria 4 or Michael 4 or earlier figures.  The gen 4 figures lack many of the advancements the Genesis 1,2, & 3 figure have and tend to work slower as the latest Studio is built for the Genesises.

  • ...I just checked the Ready To Install tab in IM, and I have two versions of "PostgreSQL CMS from Valentina CMS Conversion." The first is called exactly that; the second adds "Public Build +Beta+" at the end. I'm installing them now

    Don't install anything with 'Beta'  in the name, it is not required.

    If you don;t have Photoshop, then you cannot use the Bridge, so there is no point to installing it.   It is there for DS to send images to Photoshop, and if you don;t have Ps, then it is no use to you at all.

    DAZ Studio Po is completely free, and it comes with Genesis, Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 2 Male and Genesis 3Female along with it, which contain loads of other content too.

    After you have finished installing, making sure that DAZ Studio is NOT running, start DAZ Studio, and see if you have several instances of postgre,exe in the Task manager under Processes (Show Processes from All Users)

  • ...and now, the three database files (the two I mentioned, plus the first you mentioned, Jimmy: PostgreSQL (Win 64 bit)) are all installed, and all the database problems have been fixed! For the moment, anyway...


    Thanks so much for your patient explanation. And I went back to investigate the software issue. It seems that - what my splash screen calls "Pro Edition" - is the current free download. So I don't get it. Is there more than one edition, and if so, what is it? Does DAZ sell any version of Studio? And if there's only one, why call it "Pro Edition?" It makes no sense. I guess I'll just uninstall

    When I said I use IM for anything with the naming convention, certainly that includes everything purchased from DAZ3D, plus some third-party vendors. I have a fair collection of object files too, that IM doesn't know what to do with. Anyway, the vendors will advertise that their products work in "DAZ Studio 4.8 or newer (free, advanced or pro)" - making my confusion that much deeper.


    "Anyone just starting with DAZ Studio (and not coming from Poser) should not use Victoria 4 or Michael 4 or earlier figures." Excellent advice, jestmart. I see now that a combination of factors led me wrongly to attribute success with Michael 4 to his platform. I can see now the others are going to be way better. Thanks!


  • There is now only one edition available for DAZ Studio, and it is called Pro.   There used to be several versions, alwyas one that was free, but there ws Advanced and Pro which had different olugins which could be bought seperately.   DAZ 3D decided to give away the Pro version as the free version, and it includes almost everything the paid for Pro version, with the exception of Decimator which DAZ 3D don't own, and cannot give away for free.

    When I said I use IM for anything with the naming convention, certainly that includes everything purchased from DAZ3D, plus some third-party vendors. I have a fair collection of object files too, that IM doesn't know what to do with. Anyway, the vendors will advertise that their products work in "DAZ Studio 4.8 or newer (free, advanced or pro)" - making my confusion that much deeper.

    DIM can ONLY be used to install files bought from the DAZ 3D Store.   You need to install items bought elsewhere yourself.   if you have any trouble with that, or need advice, just ask on this forum.

    Make sure that everything is as it should be now with Products, Categories and Smart Content.   Ttry the search option as well, and it may be time to think about setting up your own Categories, whcih can make things a lot easier to find.   You set the content up your way inside DAZ Studio, and Poser and DS stuff can be in the same db folder, so it saves a lot of switching about.   Worth thinking about.

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