Sci-Fi: provisoric and emergency airlocks, tech scenarios: advanced but not star trek to vintage

generalgameplayinggeneralgameplaying Posts: 517
edited September 2022 in Product Suggestions

Lore: Omnipotent forcefields don't exist. But you have something, e.g. for merely keeping the air at bay, which is standart for an emergency airlock to protect a deck instantly. People and things can simply pass through, and if something moves too much nearby, some air will also pass through due to local pressure. Batteries have become very small, way more efficient, tiny, any shape. Smart materials exist and (depending on the exact scenario) may form a fluid shield still pretty fast, much tougher than just an emergency airlock, from-to. The combination of dual airlock-fields and a smart-fluid-shield is the standart of the "better airlock". Using other shapes than the plane, makes fluid shields less efficient and much more expensive, thinking of fluid shield helmets, to cover up for all the sci-fi suits either not having helmets, or leaving parts of the body without protection ;). Of course they could use doors, but doors are very heavy and can't be put everywhere, in addition to possible damage and fluid shields being able to self-repair both by external trigger, as well es to some extent passively. Of course a thin layer of fluid shield also may be used on spaceships, typically transparent ;). Once shaped, like e-paper, the fluid shield will not consume energy, unless for monitoring from the outside and triggering fast repair abilities.


Problem 1, Shields: Effects (also animated) for dual airlock forcefield barrier (first), then the smart-fluid-shield filling in and finally the forcefields turning off (independent does...). FIlling in meaning rather growing from the sides - i would say all sides for speed, but it could also be any/two. This could simply be a morph/dial, or a set of those for the relevant sides. It would be cool if the prop is scalable just for different door/gate sizes, preferably keeping the same detail size with repeating textures, but not necessarily. Fluid shield may be anything from full to less-transparent to whatever colors. I'd put them distantly transparent like colored glass, just less perfect, green or dark-ish. Possibly have it expand with small hexagonal sub-structures. Material options would be nice to have, and maybe a thickness for more heavy barriers. If necessary, i'll build this myself for where i need it, but i wouldn't mind buying either. Helps in storeytelling and quick prototype stuff.

1b: Option for airlocks: gun and explosion fx, where the shield regenerates just in local spots. That's perhaos itchy and beyond the prototyping range. Maybe there needn't be holes, you could also have a diable prop for some coloring for when something of a certain size hits. If that's too complicated, maybe a "powerup"-like or an "updating" effect, sending a light/shimmer around the shield. This probably is least important to me right now.

1.2: Fluid-shield wearables (nice to have), without forcefields, just smart-tech: Helmet first! It could just be the effect with no device. Or it could be a wearable device from which the shield folds around you. For females with too much skin on the brest shown, it could be a bra-device to put above other clothes, or maybe just a backpack ;). 

1.2b: Full spherical shield out of a backpack device for space. And maybe a version for falling/jumpung off heights, with a morph for the side you fall on (any?) ~ almost a parachute.

1.2c: A wearable device for arm or to holf in your hand (or even attach to somehwere), which pops up a fluid shield, either rather circular, or just on the top or low side (options).

1.4: A placable version forthe military. a) Pop up a rather circular field like a shield with varying size, e.g. lacking sandbags for a person or for a platoon, vehicl.. b) with a pilar to the top and from there around: create a protection bubble.

1.5: A morphable or dforce fluid shield patch, which is put just anywhere, e.g. for provisoric repair of some hole in the hull. These likely only self-repair, or the ship can pop them up just anywhere anyway.

(For these maybe too the gun/hit effect question.)


Problem 2: More classic emergency airlocks, like inflatable/inflated provisoric mock-ups. Such would be cool to have to cover any door/gate or patch up small spaceships like the shuttlestar. Options for materials like new/warn/burnt/whatever would be nice to have. The actual door part may be zipper or just a sliding/rolling thing. Needs open and closed variant, dial nice to have. Otherwise textures could be neutral, "emergency", bio-hazard, military camo/what not, some company ads like (some generic company, scrappers "dismantle anything safe", ...)...

2.1 Flat emergency airlock for open spaces, corridors and doors with different shapes (meaning somehow compatible, e.g. with round/rectangular/hexagonal, think of the modular sci-fi-sets, round, rectangular, flexi-shape with a door cutout). It would be great, if there was different door sizes, like for a cargo hold (large), door-size with slightly enhanced walls (and maybe wall-extensions) to patch up just a corridor, and smaller doors that fit into doors, though if it's thick enough, it won't matter much to use normal door-size.

2.2 A corridor element to use in a modular fashion with different attachments for front/end sides. This is just to patch up between spaceships and hangar doors, for instance. Could have an option to remove the floor, e.g. to just patch up the relevant parts in a hangar.

2.3 End-pieces like doors, but also to attach to different types of shapes for spaceships like the shuttlestar, or ones with morphs optimized for round things for instance. Variants for doors of different sizes, maybe hatches too.

2.4 Provisoric smaller-ship hangar. If you don't like the morphing thing for the shuttlestar-type of ship, a hangar where the whole ship fits in could be fairly easy to do. No floor is needed, as it's put on the flat ground. One or two sides have a gate-like thing (can be a swinging gate or it just rolls up to the top, whrere the smaller ship fits through. And then the other two sides have normal doors (roll up...) to attach corridors to, so people can walk in the jetcarrier or another building with present doors simply. The hangar could also have optional sides, simply, so you either leave them out, because it's right on the side of a building, or you put in any door/gate type feasible.

2.5 For fancyness, there could be an expanding and contracting corridor element, like may actually be used to interface between hatches in space.

Patching up hangars would be cool, but the main concern is to have something provisoric (and also looking so) for creating air-safe links between things for some people to walk through, or to place an emergency airlock somewhere. Of course you could make textures for less provisoric, just to patch up some existing set piece with an actual airlock, so people don't need full body suits all the time. Design-wise they could have sub-structures like hexagons looking inflated, or like some of the high insulation winter gear. I'd love to have some options for colors, like nowadays-space-white-ish, dark, maybe some camo (which ;)?). There can also be a less provisoric variant, just to be able to put in an airlock just anywhere, also for bio-hazard scenarios.


Probably forgot to name priorities:

I. Forcefield and Fluid-shield Airlocks for patching doorways and gateways, hangars. Replace the often used all-energy-forcefields of a hangar for instance, or just have an actual good looking and space-efficient airlock in a Starjet or a smaller spaceship. Also think of fluid-shield barriers instead of energy-only for prison cells and containments. Here the dual-forcefield + fluid animation could fit in very well too.

II. Visible inflated emergency airlocks for patching up doors (compatible with less futuristic space scenarios, but also just any).

III. Airlock corridors to attach to doors for hangars or corridors, to patch spaceships and other (shuttlestar for one, but maybe also between other structures).

IV. Rest.


Please DAZ-to-Blende bridge, G8 perferred at present (G3 nice to have, iff i have to convert everything there for computer games due to tooling, likely rather a temporary issue), male+female and with interactive license(s) for potential use in computer games!


Of course this may be mutliple products, and i have no idea, if any of this sell at all. I'd still be interested, and i think with all the spaceships it would at least come in handy, to be able to place a provisoric airlock anywhere (scrappers, emergency, bio-hazard) and to connect spaceships and hangars somehow in a believable way.

What else to ask? ;)...

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