Space traveller's towel

Think of battery technology of some future: very small, any shape, highly efficient. Morphing fluid shields exist, but no magic.


- Dforce towel. Prop, wearable in many ways, as clothing, sun-hat, top-cover, lower-cover, around an arm for special purpose.

- Can change shape wildly, e.g. to form a larger shield or a parachute-like thing for less fast falling or gliding (grip in the middle, two wings).

- Can change color. Semi transparent, mirror, camouflage, some fancy stuff, white.

- Ballistic shield. e.G. worn around an arm or held in a hand, morphing into some kind of shield/armor towards one side (rather).

- Emergency helmet (or even full body) for space. Some filtering ability for CO/CO2 but not endless.

- (Gathers energy from temperature difference, static electricity, lightning and a sun. Maybe some fx, from none to mild glow, to strong absorption.)

- Can display something on the surface, like a screen. 

- Can morph into provisoric furniture, like a chair, or a small bridge, a ladder-like thing, cushion.

- Can morph into other auxiliary stuff, like a snowboard, a club, a rain collector, a pipe, a bag to carry stuff.

- Can filter water.

- Can be used to tie up/immobilize, e.g. binding legs or arms or both.

- Can morph into a paper-like plane, just with steerability and autonomous features (no propeller, but it can flap wings slightly), e.g. using heat to gain height like some birds do, and then survey and communicate.

- Can be used for heating and desinfection of bottles and so on.

- (Self cleaning. I.e. textures for dirt/grime, but doesn't really get damaged.)

- (Weighs near nothing, so it's not good to place on the ground as a ballistic shield, but it might be spanned from A to B, dynamically attaching to reels or maybe even with adjusting the surface to 'adhesive' on the sides.)

- (Energy consumption varies wildly amongst features, so mind a recharge. Some uses need actual fuel, like extended emergency space helmet, but only so and so much can be enclosed, and may partly have to be purged on certain uses like parachute. A lot of DRM is built in, so most people start off with a towel.)

- (And so on...)


Who would do this??


(Prefere: daz-to-blender, g8, g3 nice to have, male and female, interactive license.)

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