How can I use the skin texture exported from Character Creator 4?
I exported a reskinned character from CC4 as an obj, it contains a whole bunch of textures.
I then go back to Daz3D and try to remap it to a G8 character.
But I can't seem to make it right because they followed different rules, such as there being no Resource_WSNormal, SSSMap, etc. in Daz3D.
Could somebody please be as kind teaching me how to do it correctly?
Much appreciated!
Do CC4 characters have remotely the same UV mapping as Daz figures?
CC4 has a Daz UV Transfer under SkinGen tools, granted I never successfully transfer CC4 skin textures to Daz3D (otherwise I won't ask the question here), but I believe that's what it does: To transfer CC4 to Daz3D compatible UV mapping.
Reallusion's aim is not to loose customers to their main competitor Daz3D. They have tools to import and convert Daz textures, reorganizing UV islands so that they fit the unwrapping of their own human meshes. Importing from Daz can potentially bring them customers.
But they don't provide a way to convert CC UVs into Daz UVs, and export their textures to another app. That would be a weird marketing idea. All I see about SkinGen (that I don't know so I could be wrong) is : texture import capability. Nowhere do they speak about converting and exporting to Daz. Only FROM Daz.
When two meshes have a totally different topology, and when at least one of them has been unwrapped (has UVs) the only way to "transfer" per vertex or per pixel color info is : baking.
In your case, it would mean shaping the Genesis' Base wireframe into the Character Creator's Base shape (using wrap tools or manual vertex snapping tools). When Genesis is shaped as a CC, you can then bake pixel/vertex color info onto the Genesis UVs.
BUT a texture is NOT a sculpt. From a sculpt, you get height and normal maps. Which are the bases for the whole texturing workflow. CC being low-poly Real-Time orientated 3D, all you'll get is the albedo (diffuse color). All those nice details in CC that are displacement or normal map will NOT be "transfered" during a baking process.
In other words it's feasible, the same way most of the Genesis morphs of Game Characters are made on Renderhub. But to get a character in Genesis that look as good as the original in CC, it would mean a lot of extra work in Substance Painter.
Morality : without an official tool from Reallusion to export and convert UVs it'd be a lot of work (Shaping Genesis into a CC shape, then Baking the diffuse color) for a not really interesting result. Character Creator's skin details (height, world/object normals, etc.) come from a bake of their own human sculpts. If they don't want to share that data by coding a specific app for that, then it's a lost cause.
N.B : Maybe tools such as R3DS Wrap4 do better than just transfering the diffuse after a wrap's done. Can't tell as I didn't use that app yet (although I bought it recently). But according to what I read in their forums, no matter how dedicated to wrapping and baking their app is, those details even there seem to come only from an HD sculpt.
OK, I guess I have to give up on it, thank you very much for your explanation.
Hi. I dont know how old this treath is but i think i found a solution to your broblem.. i have allso wondered where i can export skin textures and i figures this
1. open your ccproject
2. got o modify and choose tansparent gridpicture left side on atom picture
3. under that you will see Material list
4. scroll bot down and you will see Texture Setting and from ther choose tecture and save
hope that helps..
hope that helps you out