(In-)Consistency of file & folder names & locations

MouserMouser Posts: 675
edited October 2022 in Product Suggestions

I just went through the folder & files at a mere glance and found the following:

Environment (folder) five different ways of spelling the five that are present in the main DS library (not counting the many that somehow end up in other locations).

Animal files & folders hidden within folders named after the creaters rather than in the Animal folder.

Clothing folders for different generation figures (see animal folders above).

Pose folders, take your best guess as they are everywhere.

Motion files, some under BVH or motion capture or some in the main library others within folders named after creaters or within generation figure folders...

etc etc etc

I know I'll try smart content, no thats a sad joke. 

I know I'll search... no that just brings up hundreds of results and sometimes not including what I'm searching for as the darn thing is named something cryptic the creater thought was smart.


You are always boasting about quality & service, so please get a grip of this, your content structure & (dis)organisation is a mess and is getting worse.

Post edited by Mouser on


  • Mouser said:

    I just went through the folder & files at a mere glance and found the following:

    Environment (folder) five different ways of spelling the five that are present in the main DS library (not counting the many that somehow end up in other locations).

    Animal files & folders hidden within folders named after the creaters rather than in the Animal folder.

    Clothing folders for different generation figures (see animal folders above).

    Pose folders, take your best guess as they are everywhere.

    Motion files, some under BVH or motion capture or some in the main library others within folders named after creaters or within generation figure folders...

    etc etc etc

    I know I'll try smart content, no thats a sad joke. 

    I know I'll search... no that just brings up hundreds of results and sometimes not including what I'm searching for as the darn thing is named something cryptic the creater thought was smart.


    You are always boasting about quality & service, so please get a grip of this, your content structure & (dis)organisation is a mess and is getting worse.

    Consistency can be a subjective notion.It is not easy to be consistent when for example poses are made for a particular character, or associated with certain props.
    I agree for the different spellings of some folders names and many of your examples..
    I agree that the Daz quality control seems poor, but inconsistency may come from other sources, especially freebies sites.

    Many things can be corrected by the user
    Better organize your content the way you like it (and forget the so called "Smart" Content)! Just my opinion.

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