Adding Sound

OldminerOldminer Posts: 134
edited July 2015 in Carrara Discussion

Can you add sound to a carrara animation? I can add sound to the movie after render but would like to add to the animation.


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  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Page 462 of the Carrara 7 Manual deals with the sound track and audio

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Yes,. If you export your animation as an AVI file,. it can include audio ,.however, it's often better and more convenient to export image sequences and then add the sound in a video editor.

    AVI with audio can be big files. EG: 20 seconds of animation at 640x480 with audio, equals 425MB as an uncompressed AVI movie


  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 134

    I got it- Use insert sound and aif format

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