Diva's Desire Outfit in the Victoria 9 HD Intro Bundle
I can not render a V9 with this Diva's Desire Outfit > black render, which means not enough VRAM.
I have a 3080 TI with 12GB VRAM. The texture compression settings are at the default values.
All subD settings to 0.
I am sorry, but this product lacks quality control imho.
The mean reason for it not rendering is that ALL maps are 8K, even the earrings, some maps are just plain color. Why 8K then?
My quick solution for now is to reduce all the maps to 4K. Even then the outfit looks still very good. (allthough i think it doesn't suit an intro bundle)
8K is overkill imho. People with non-professional videocards should be able to render a new product.
This needs to be fixed imho.
By all means ask for lower resolution maps - it does sound as if they are overkill - but this isn't really a "QA failure"