Problem regarding light in "the church" prop in DAZ 4.8

Hello all, i have a problem regarding lighting in the prop and environment regarding "The church" i just bought and installed it, but when i have loaded it into DAZ, with different lights and environments and all it is pitch black, i've loaded the " daylight" setting for an example, and everything is dark, the churchyard, the church itself and the character i've loaded, the sky too is almost black, i've tried different cameras and environments and lights b but its still amost pitch black, i've also tried different render settings, what is wrong?
Regards from Kenneth
Post edited by lonewolf55559 on
are you using 3Delight or iray?
it may be for a specific render engine
I used Iray, the only time it has proper light, is in regular perspective mode, when i render it, its almmost totally dark, i can only see a little, tried different render engines, it happens when i use "the church" set, not when i load just the church, without environments, lights, cameras and so on
Check the settings for the camera in Iray. Changing the ISO, shutter speed or F/stop in Tone Mapping like you would do with a real camera to let more light in might help.
well i reset the render settings, tried different finished render settings too, and Atmocam settings,
See if the camera settings in Tone Mapping make adifference to the light before worrying about anything else ATM.
FWIW it has worked ok for me in 3Delight. Ivy along the outside walls casts nice shadows in sunlight. Here's a sample "evening" render.
"The Church" predates Iray in Studio by a couple years. It has absolutely no Iray lights.
When you're loading any of the presets, you're loading the 3Delight lights that came with the set, and which do not work at all in Iray. The main light for The Church is UberEnvironment, which only works in 3Delight and not in Iray. The lights on the candles have to be switched to Photometric mode before they'll cast light, and even then, it won't be much.
You'll need to figure out a light setup of your own before you'll be able to render The Church properly in Iray.
As others have mentioned, Iray works very differently to 3Delight, which is what the Chuch was designed for. It is possible to get some fantastic results using it, but you'll need to work with the lighting differently, and be prepared to put in some extra work tweaking materials.
Candle flames can be turned into an emissive material, meaning they'll emit light. You can then change the light settings to make them as bright or as dim as needed. The sunlight can be emulated through the 'sun and sky' option in the Iray render options.
You might need to make a few minor changes to the surface materials used here and there. I found some areas a bit too shiny for my liking when converted automatically, but on the whole Daz does a fantastic job of converting the materials over so most of it should be fine.
I would like if DAZ could actually write a decent informative description and info regarding theire products and not just a few lines of "how wonderful" the item is, so you dont do like i have done more than once bought stuff trusting things are what it says in the description but end up with products either dont fit with what i have or arent compatible and so on, i couldve saved much money...
For Iray: Also make sure that the backdrop isn't casting a shadow over your scene. I had a similar issue with a scene I set up and couldn't figure out why it was so dark. When I removed the background, then light was able to get through and no more shadow over everything and lighting was normal.
If there is a sky dome delete it. I have the church and it works for me. Further, it is likely in your settings. Lights candidly will work without being converted but converting them and properly setting them to photometric works better.
Your point about descriptive text is well taken IMO... bear in mind that they do offer a guarantee of satisfaction. I haven't actually "returned" anything yet but I had a minor bug recently and it was quickly fixed as soon as I raised the issue.
Heh... as I mentioned I've never actually returned anything. Looking around for the guarantee and any terms/conditions it doesn't seem to be boldly displayed! Maybe it's on the actual shopping cart/ordering pages.
FWIW here is the latest thing I did with The Church and the light sets you get... first I happened to take a picture of my dog in profile. Bright sunny day but the shot came out blue-ish in the shade... aha, right away I knew I wanted to turn this into a "night shot".
Ok, I next changed the color values to make it even bluer to match the night scenes in The Church, and I pasted him into the church "tower", illuminated by the "moonlight" by Merlin. Then I added bat wings from the Silverlight Bat - see animals in the DAZ catalog... there's a bit of the bat's body visible, on the dog. Presto, still a WIP but he's looking more and more like a real gargoyle!
I guess I'm pretty flexible in terms of how I use interesting tidbits that I come across... and I'm always mixing-and-matching DAZ props and lighting.