Problems with G8 Hair on G9
Is anyone else having this problem?
I can load and conform a G8.1 hair on G9. However, when I try to change the hair color using the hair vendor's mats, I get " Invalid hierarchy for selected node(s) and "preset_hierarchical_material" type; no root(s) found." The mats work properly when the hair is conformed to G8.1. I have experienced this problem using PhilW's "Suzina Hair" and Linday's "Classic Blowout Hair". My log files are attached. My procedure is:
1. Load G8.1.
2. Load and conform the Hair.
3. Change the haircolor using a Mat file.
4. Load G9.
5. Conform the Hair.
6. Attempt to change the haircolort using a Mat file.
7. View error message at the end of the log file.
That "preset_hierarchical_material" is the problem. Basically that means that the item, hair in this instance HAS to be parented to the figure it's made for, G8.1 in this instance, in order for the materials to work. So you either need to have an 8.1 figure in the scene, with the hair fitted to them, to try out different hair colors, and then fit it to g9 once you've settled on something. Or use a different hair shader like ColorWerks, or something like that (other options are available) that does not have hierarchical materials.
I think it should also work to apply the materials on a G8 (etc) figure then save the materials as a regular (not hiearchical) preset. Normally hierarchical presets are used to apply a set of presets to multiple items in the figure, it that's the case for the hair (it includes multiple separate items) then a preset would have to be saved for each.
Thanks zombie... and jbowler. There has got to be an easy way around this ridiculous problem.
Your suggestions works, however I do have to save materials for the Hair and Hair Cap separately - A major pain. Now for a bigger problem:
I can conform the Suzina Hair to g9 and save the result as a scene or a scene subset. However, when I open the scene or load the scene subset, the hair is screwed up and there is no way to fix it.. See attached images.
This is frustrating. Maybe I should abandon G9/V9 if the backward-compatibility issues are not going to be corrected.
For apllying h.materials to Suzina hair, you just need to change G9's node name to Genesis8Female, then it'll work~~
Apocalypse_Cows's fix worked. I think I better inform PhilW of the "scene load" problem.