Bug report with - Joint Editor - Adjust rigging to shape with "Adjust Orientation" selected
Selecting a basic figure and doing the Edit>Adjust rigging to shape, checking option "Adjust Orientation" and clicking ok, leads to eyes moving in the opposide direction to eyelids (both up/down and side/side are inverted), happens on G8 and G9/V9
I'm inclined to think that it is a bug of some sort, anyway, how would one go about fixing this so the eyes would move together with eyelids?
Post edited by j11011 on
found the solution with G8.1:
in Joint editor, filter Scene to "lower" select each of the lower eyelid bones (3 for each side) and alt+leftclick on the "Z Rotation" slider in the Tool Settings tab
then filter the Scene for the "eye", and select left eye, again alt+leftclick on the "Z Rotation" (you'll see it changes from 0 to -180 or +180 depending on the eye)
this then fixes the Pose slider for the eyes so the lids follow the eyes correctly and aren't moving in opposite directions
for the G9 there seems to be just 1 bone for each eyelid, but the solution is exactly the same, alt+leftclick Z Rotation to return to default value and it all returns to normal
This happens with blank scene and default G8.1 Female figure and default G9/V9