A possible solution for the problem of the pectoral pokies

SupernalPhantasiaSupernalPhantasia Posts: 48
edited October 2022 in Product Suggestions

Genesis 9 is pretty much perfect, what Genesis 1 was really hoping to be... true neutral gender support that can easily and appropriately depict the polar extremes of masculine and feminine on either side of it and anything in between as needed.
However, there is still the much debated problem of the pectoral pokies. I've seen the complaints about missing edgeloops for "better" geometry for this element and I've seen what the figure currently does with HD morphs. But I wonder if it was one small step shy of perfection?

Here is what puzzles me:

Why aren't the nipples a decal-like object as the eyelashes and eyebrows are?

This seems to me like it would instantly solve the problems of finding the right topology on the torso that could simultaneously support accurate shaping and shifting of position between the gendered extremes and the neuter inbetween - which morph is currently missing - and the inherent texture problems created by having said 2-3 distinct morphs housed inside the figure itself (Genesis 9, president of the supernumerary pokie club, dares you to make a bovine morph for it).

If they were separated like this they could:

a. be more freely shaped and morphed as needed (with all the edge loop topology one could desire)

b. be moved more flexibly and accurately around the pectoral region between the more centered placing of feminine and outer placing of masculine and leaving a neuter placement also possible (and all the other human variations that can happen because most nipples are not symmetrical in shape or placement)

c. be textured more easily (the areaola has a slight ridge to it where it meets the more regular chest skin and this bumpiness would help with "blending" it into the base figure for those needing nude renders, while they can remain featureless and a conforming follower or even just turned off when not needed like one can do with the eyelashes and eyebrows already)

Because they would be a seperate surface torso textures could then omit nipples from the pectoral region, removing the alignment headache altogether, thereby making character textures far more flexible, able to be seemlessly applied to Genesis 9 regardless of any gendered morphs it is presenting - immediately broadening that texture's usefulness and creative potential.

Hopefully I described this clearly enough to hop the mental image from my brain to yours. I do believe this solution can be implemented without having to change the current figure generation any further.

Post edited by SupernalPhantasia on
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