Want a Complete Science Fiction Scout-sized Craft

As I began working on a story for my own amusement, I was surprised recently that none of the science-fiction craft are entirely suitable for a long range space scout, one with a crew of around five, with interior and exterior components.  Everything I have looked at lacks at least one of: sleeping quarters (even a science-fiction ship might take days or weeks to go from Earth to Mars); lavatory; believable airlocks (and other entrance/egress perhaps); cargo hold; interior engine access; emergency escape craft; galley/medical facilities (possibly just labeled cabinets); weapon lockers; EVA spacesuit lockers.   And I have probably forgotten other necessities.  I could probably get away with the standard TV/movie technique of having interior sets that have nothing to do with the exterior shots (nor, for that matter, one another), but it would be nice to have a consistent product or set of related products.

Kibarreto's 'Vanguard' is probably a decent approximation of what I have in mind, at least in terms of scale. 


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