Blast from the past – Carrara 11 years ago...

I was cleaning hard-drives and came across these. Little Carrara tutorial gems, they are. 

If you like this one, I'll post additional ones on their anniversary months!

Be advised, don't expect the off-publication links to work and get your panties all up in a bunch because they're broken – it's 11 years old for crying out loud.

3DXtract July 2004 



  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615

    He said "panties". I'm telling Mom. smiley

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,125

    Thanks. Yes, please post more on their anniversaries.  I was interested to see Amapi 7 Pro for $680 in 2004.  Have come a long way.

  • EyosEyos Posts: 114

    I learned a few new technics from the archiology item you posted..


  • MarkBremmerMarkBremmer Posts: 190

    "Digital archeology" – I like the idea!  It's easy to do with Carrara because it's a very deep software and digging is warranted!

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    That was an eye open for me too Mark, the bit about using Illustrator as input to Carrara, and Greebling are helpful techniques.  TY!

    Would the project files be available  wink  ... I'd like to study them.  

    Thanks again

        - Don

  • MarkBremmerMarkBremmer Posts: 190

    @Don, I can't believe I still have them: .zip File for Alien Greebles

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Greebling - that's a new term on me. Very interesting articles, thanks for posting.

  • sukyLsukyL Posts: 251

    Mark, thanks for sharing. I'd like to see more too.

  • Spin those clocks back: August 2004: 

    3DXtract August 2004

  • Nice. I didn't know Carl had posted them all in one place. Thanks! I don't have the full set. 

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    Thanks Mark.  I've used Illustrator files in other 3D systems, but didn't realize they could be used  in Carrara too (if you know the trick), so that's a revelation.  Secondly, the way you used them I thought was very clever.  Haha, there's ALWAYS another neat trick to learn. 

    And getting a link to all the Mags and support files was...  wow rk66:   Thank you very much!

       - Don 

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