Are the face jewels include with Lisha's makeup?

edited November 2022 in Product Suggestions I wonder if the face jewels in the main promo are included with the figure or is it from another product. I wonder why the promos of late have not been showing the makeup options. Are these supposed to be the "tribal options" I can't tell if they are jewels or some kind of scarification.
Post edited by ALLIEKATBLUE on


  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,145
    edited November 2022

    Product Description says there's a "Face Scar Option" and later there's another render of her with the makeup looking flat against her skin, as opposed to the visible bumps in the first render.

    I agree with the promo renders. They're all becoming less utilitarian, which is probably good for me because I ain't buying and saving money that way.

    Post edited by MimicMolly on
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