can underwear/sportswear be baked onto a new version of actor?
I'm wondering if it's possible to create PG-13 versions of every actor I have that have sheer sportswear or boxers actually baked into the new actor so that this wardrobe can be covered with other wardrobe items, but no view of skin is possible underneath. So, for "Michael 6" you would edit "Michael 6", add wardrobe (like boxers), then FLATTEN the boxers and actor so that the boxers cannot be made invisible and save to a new actor. This new "Michael 6 PG-13" actor probably gets put into a different directory than "Michael 6".
Worth it...not really. Because there is no way to prevent texture sets from being swapped out, and that's all it takes for all the work put in to be undone.
What exactly are you attempting to accomplish by doing this? Knowing that might offer up some alternatives. For example, if you simply didn't want to be staring at a nude figure all the time because you don't like it, you could pick a few skin-tight clothing items (underwear, bodysuit pieces, second-skin materials, etc.) and resave the figure as a scene subset, then just reference that figure whenever you are loading it. It will still be technically possible to do something to view skin by accident, or of course by simply looking at your content library, but maybe that's all you want or need.
If your goal is to set up an art PC for a classroom of kids or a public organization demo without accidentally violating some rule on nudity with that organization by the curios or pranksters, perhaps one could build a specific content set then simply edit/remove certain materials and block access to install new content. This would be much harder of course.
You might look for a second skin for M6 in the freebies section here, on ShareCG, etc. You'd then do exactly as you describe: remove the standard textures fronm the Runtime/Textures folder, and replace with the second skin textures.
If you also have Poser, the standard content library contains number pre-clothed characters you can import (and save as DUFs). DAZ should actually offer something like this for the teachers among us. As it is now, I use a mixture of freebie (easier to license), like the weight mapped Antonia Polygon (has to be converted to TriAx for D|S). The character does not come pre-clothed, but there are second skins available for her.
@sriesch: My goal is to have a content set that I can share with students and presuming there would be too much distraction to start with the figures as-is. On the issue of whether someone CAN remove the clothing, I'm not looking for something airtight, but I would like it to be harder than just clicking the 'eye-hide' button for the clothing attached to the character. Scene-subset might be the only way to do it, but I was really hoping that to the users, it would really look like they were loading 'Actors'. I guess the question is whether the clothing can be baked into actors.
@Tobor: Unfortunately, I don't [yet?] have Poser. As I had been learning about this, it seemed to me that since I had no content at all prior to July 2015, I'd want to keep everything DS (sorry Poser users!).
I'll look into the "second-skin" idea. You've probably explained it well enough for most newbies, but I guess I'm a little dense about how to do this. I was hoping there was something like other drawing programs I've used where you can "flatten" an object, and all information about constituent objects that were used to create it is lost, but maybe I don't understand the object model fully. I want an actor, plus one or two pieces of skin tight opaque clothing to be flattened into another actor object.
Thanks for your responses, sorry for my delay in getting back to you.
Think of the various actors as G I Joe and Barbie dolls...not 'flat' paper cut outs.
To do what you want you will need to adjust the textures, not the models.
Of course the other option...stick with V4 and M4.