Apply Face/Body (War) Painting or Tattoos to a (G3) character...

Currently exerimenting again with creating a forest/wild elf. Can I get somewhere a tutorial how to apply a custom face painting or tattoo (i am not yet finally decided what it will be) to an existing skin? I read something about "partial textures" that perhaps can even be added as an additional layer to figures instead of "painting" directly on a skin? is this true? perhaps I can buy something similiar in the store and then just modify something existing?

Thanks guys!


  • Assuming that the image matches the UVs for the base skin you need the map and a mask that is white where your tattoo or wahter comes and black elsewhere.

    Find the surface and property (presumably diffuse colour) that you want to change in the Surfaces pane.

    Click the little square thumbnail to the left of the property's colour bar and select Layered Image Editor.

    Click the + button under the big panel with the texture name and select Add layer.

    Click the Resource button and then Browse and select your tattoo/make-up image

    With the new layer still seelcted at the top, click the + button and this time select Add Mask.

    With the mask layer selected click the Resource button, browse..., and select the black-and-white image.

    Click Accept.

  • least using Iray Shader there is no Diffuse color. Playing around I was using "Base Color" and opening the LIE for my experiments.

    - So i assume you meant: 1st: paint the (colored) tatoo/paint on a white uv mask for the skin. 2nd: create a b/w mask from the tatoo. Apply 1 as layer and 2 as mask on top of the original skin. This seems to work, fine and quite easy. Now I can try to create the painting to where I want it :-)


  • Sorry, I was forgetting it wasn't called Diffuse Colour in the iray uberShader. Yes, that is the procedure. You can, if you wish, save a Layered Image Preset to use the same overlays on a diffrent base if you wish.

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