Creating Single Dial Morph but, it doesn't include some morphs - help.
Hi, I've come up against this issue before, you have a character that you made, you test it out several times and decide it would be great to just have one dial to add the figure on to the base. So, you load a scene with the figure set up already and create your single dial morph [SDM]. You test it to see if it's working, it is, dials to base then back up, save it and close the scene. On restarting you dial in your new dial only to find it doesn't work, it dials in some morphs but, not all of them which makes it redundant. I've just created one with Casey for G9, I've made my changes, loved it, then created the SDM. All looks good then load a new G9 and test the morph but, only the some of the dials you previously had dial in. I remember thinking I'd found a solution to this but, I've not come across it in a while and can't remember what the fix was if there was one other than screenshotting all the dials and recreating the SDM.
So, how can I solve this. I've just tried to make the SDM again but, noticed when it came to the ERC Freeze that the Casey 9 wasn't included in the list at all. What am I doing wrong? I'm baffled because usually don't have a problem. It's been at least a year or two since I had this problem.
So you have multiple proeprties set, you create a new property in Edit mode, set it to 100%, and right-click>ERC Freeze? And it doesn't include all of the non-zero values in its sub-components? Are there any intermediate proeprties involved (e.g. do a first draft of the character, call it MyCharDraft, ERC Freeze to link to sub morphs, then refine the character, MYMorphFinal, and ERC Freeze that)?
Thanks, I have just gone ahead and made the SDM but, just called it 'casey-addon'. I did think as I closed Daz down that one of the dials with Casey, as with all figures, is a master dial, but, I'm sure I've had that before without a problem. I'd had daisy chains of characters I've made in the past that use master dials of multiple figures.
I'll see what happens later when I try to make a master dial for both. Thanks, Richard.
I just made a Master Dial for character and addon. This time when it came to ERC freeze I only saw my 'Addon' and the Casey master dial, so, I baked my Addon and then did the ERC Freeze and it works great. I wonder if it was a glitch that just happens from time to time? Thankfully with G9 the load time is really short so it's easier to experiment. I remember finding it only happened when I'd loaded a scene or sub-scene. This time I loaded a fresh G9.
Well, if the master dial was linked to a sub-master dial and only the master ws saved as a morph asset then when it was loaded in a new figure the sub-master would be missing.
Yeah, exactly, that's the problem. Why would the sub-master not show up when you did the ERC Freeze? As I said, it's only if you load the figure from a saved file. I've had a character that had 20 or 30 dials and only the new dials show. If you then load the original file and try to dial in the new 'master' file you end up with the new dials dialed in double. I've had characters that ended up looking very weird and not understanding why they're so exaggerated now. I think it's my perception until I look back and see the old renders. Thankfully since you told me about baking first I was able to fix older figures but, some became too complicated and I abandoned them. At least I know to not expect eveyrthing that's dialled in to show up in the ERC Freeze. It saves a lot of trouble because I can just look for another option.
If a slider is set and not already linked to something else that is set I don't know why it would not show in ERC Freeze, that sounds very odd.
yeah, I'm just trying it with an older G8 figure I wanted to start using again. There's a lot of dials and the workaround above didn't work. I even tried copying the shape and pasting the shape, no change. Some of the dials showed up in ERC freeze after setting them to zero and putting back to what they were but not all. I've just given up with it for today. I'm out of options. Some of the dials won't even zero with the Ultimate Zero tool I use too.
That dose sound as if there are links in play - use the Property Hierarchy to see what is controlling the problem properties
thanks, when you say 'links' are you talking about when you have mastr dial for say, Holt HD? I have daisy chained my dials before though.
my Navel dial was one that wouldn't show up in the ERC Freeze and it does show in the Property Hierarchy as being linked. How do I get around that without Baking, or is that just the answer? Thanks, Richard.
Ah, I see other dials are linked to it, is that the problem?
Well, linked to things not involved in your shape is not going to cause an issue - but if the current value of the property is solely down to other non-zero proerpties then it won't appear in ERC Freeze because that would be doubling up the effect (both link it explicitly to your master slider and have it also linked to other properties linked to your master slider) - only those properties which have local non-zero values will appear as potential sub-components in ERC Freeze.
Oh, okay, I think I understand. Holt's master slider was dialled in and linking to sliders I'd dialled to zero. My navel though, now that I'm looking again in the Properites Pannel isn't controlling anything else. I'll let what you'ves said digest and do some testing. I feel I've got more to work with now. Thanks for your help Richard.
I'm still have a big issue with dials not showing up. It doesn't have anything to do with other dials. The offending dials just don't show up in ERC I know I only dialed them in for a certain character I've made and the dial I'm talking about is 50% of the character, I've only just dialed it in days ago and it's not a character I ever used before in other dials. I've got several HD details also refusing to show up. I tired copying the shape and pasting it to a G8 devload but that doesn't help. I have to manually dial them in. After hours of fiddling I got them to show up in ERC free for body and head but they still refused to show in the controller that dialed in both body and head. I stopped trying to make master controllers for head and body a long time ago because it was a lot extra work having to find out what wasn't dialing in. It's only the Dial Fusion that I've started trying to make head and body dials. If it's not 100% reliable then what's the point. I'm not blaming Dial Fusion it can only work with what Daz gives it, it's just that Dial Fusion has thrown a spotlight on it again. I had some not showing up in head but showing up in body because the creator hadn't saved the head or body in the right category. I admit Full-Body is confusing. If that means 'just Body' then the 'Full' is redundant.