Male vs Female Gen2 Poses
why are some poses only for male gen2 characters and others only for female gen2 characters?
In the Smart Content I see different poses for males and females. However, when I go to the Content Library, and manually select a female pose for a male character, it works just fine.
I understand that there are certain poses that males/females should not be in :))))) but is there a technical reason why they don't show up for both genders in the smart content tab?
Is there a way to make them show up in the smart content tab? It would be a lot easier if I saw all available poses.
Smart Content is not smart, is would be more acurate to call it Tagged Content. If a pose file is not tagged for a figure it won't be seen in Smart Content when that figure is selected.
Males and Females stand walk differently their whole deportment is different. Poses of course can be used on either male or female but to make them look natural they usually need altering, men for a basic example don't often wear high heels, nor do they tend to arch their backs as many female poses have the figure doing.
In your content library, go to / select folder that contains poses (for example Genesis 2 Female - Poses). When you have poses icons showing, click woth right mouse button on the content library tab (on the letters "content library") to get a menu and from the menu select Content DB Editor...(Pic_1).
In upper part of the Content DB Editor window you should have list of pose files which your selected pose folder contains. Click on / select the first one, press and hold CTRL key on your keyboard and click on other pose files to select more than one. Or click on the first one, scroll down until you see last one, press and hold SHIFT key on your keyboard and click on the last pose file to select first, last and all files in between. Or select first file and press CTRL+A on the keyboard (probably CMD+A on Mac) which is usual keyboard shortcut for "select all".
When you have all pose files selected in upper part of the content DB editor window, select Compatibility menu in the lower part of the window and again, select all the pose files listed in the lower part of the DB editor window.
When you have all pose files selected in the upper and lower part of the DB editor, click with right mouse button on one of the pose files in the lower part of the DB editor and from the menu select "Add Compatibilities to Selected File(s) (pic_2). A window should pop-up with the list af all your products in which you find product (a figure) you wish to add to the list of compatibilities with selected pose files. In my example poses are for Genesis 2 - Female so in the list of products im selecting Genesis 2 - Male in order to "tell" DS that selected pose file are compatibile with G2M as well.
When you have desired figure selected in the products list window, click "Accept" and again on "Accept" in DB Editor window. Load the figure you have added compatibilities for and you should have poses listed in smart content tab.
Thats longer and used to be only way to add compatibilities. But depending on which version of DS you use, theres a simpler way (works with 4.8). Load and select the figure (like Genesis 2 Male), go to smart content tab, select poses menu. Then on the other side of the DS go to content library, to the poses folder (like Genesis 2 Female - Poses). Select all poses icons in the folder (with CTRL, SHIFT or CTRL+A) and than just click, hold the mouse button and drag the poses icons and drop them in smart content tab, on the Poses menu (you should get + sign next to your mouse cursor when you drag them to the poses menu). And thats it. :D
My son and I stopped at a road construction site. The tanned, athletic looking flag person in the distance appeared androgenous. My son asked: "Is that a man or woman?" After a few seconds, I stated: "A woman." He looked at me and said, "How do you know?" I answered, "Men and women walk differently."
But were you correct?
Wow, this is exactly what I needed! Thank you, this works perfectly! :)
I cannot leave without saying that the poses suggested for females as smart content could be achieved by the well trained model, actrobat or somesuch. As an average woman the male poses are usually better fitting, and without correction most of them, male and female alike, look to unnatural. For most femal figures it's as well useful to adjust the backarch and the hip in the body parameters.
btw put a man and a woman in the same type of well fitting shoes and their walk and stance will differ from each other no more than one male from another.