Bryce - Its been a long time . and a question

I started using Bryce waaaaay back ... the first version ported from MAC ... the forums were in AOL at the time. I upgraded all the way through to current version, but have not used it in quite a long time. Just downladed and installed .... it asked if I wanted to link DAZ Studio 3 :)  Passed on that ....
but it does raise a question, Will Bryce link with the new Studio version?

There was a way to import Poser content as well... everything is eluding me at the moment. Will need to experiment for a few days. 


  • Welcome, daveso.  Hope to see some of your renders soon.

    I don't use the Bryce to DAZStudio bridge, but just ran a simple test to see if it works and it does.  I use the DAZStudio to Bryce bridge quite a bit and it works, including bringing in Poser content.  That said, I use a Windows' based machine and don't know if it works for MAC, if that's what you're currently using.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541

    Daveso - whatever external objects you want to use in Bryce (Studio, Poser, Hexagon, whatever), a good way is to export them as Wavefront OBJ and import in Bryce. Also note that materials/shaders are not fully compatible between the different 3D applications. Bryce 7.1 doesn't work on the Mac anymore - which is a shame because Bryce started on the Mac.

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