face-desk-damage furniture / FX

The title may not be my best invention, yet it does reflect my initial angle at the matter.

Basically we're actually at: *Breakable furniture*


Initial context:

- Breaking a table in two parts, rather comic.

- Think of the literal face-desk comic part.

- Also think of brute or viking contexts.

- Could have shape morph for non-breaking action.

- May have props for the remaining bits and pieces.

- Think at least of a typical work desk or nerd desk, and perhaps a generic wooden table for the viking/western/whatever context.


Extending on this, looking back at various western saloon content...

- Western saloon equipment including chairs (bottles? pianos? stagecoaches?).

- Boards and bricks and other for martial arts demonstrations (and furniture...).

- Wooden fences could be useful (kicking it in, explosion, drive car through, ...).

- Convenience: script that replaces a morph by individual pieces, to allow continuing with a physics simulation, or just for efficiency.

- (Haven't tested recent physics engine, but an object standard would be interesting, that all physics plugins/scripts could refer to, like adding speed and rotation parameters to objects, setting global friction. That may be more far to walk, though. From there... presets!)

- (...)


Apparently there may be furniture, where you could hide parts, or edit it, so you could manually do some stuff. However a streamlined product would save a lot of time.


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