Figure vanishing into Portal?

DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

I can't get my head around this shot. I want a figure passing into a portal and vanishing, but I want to shoot it as though the camera is on the other side of the portal.  So we see the figure on the other side, but don't see anything that passes through toward us.  Is that even possible?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Still or animation?

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    Animation...maybe this should be in the art forum, but thought it was a basic enough question for here. It would somehow involve inversing the effect of the plane on the figure.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    What you want is to be able to adjust the clipping plane of the camera...but that isn't an available setting.

    I think you can animate a scale adjustment (don't do much animation, so I'm not sure) would parent everything, except the camera to a null and scale up the null, so it looks like it's doing what you want.

  • Iray or 3Delight? In Iray it could be done, but the geometry would clearly be hollow (and how do you want to handle that - visible bone and muscle cross-sections?)

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    You could hide the hollow bits with some kind of special effect, like glowing light or shiny water puddle ripple effects or something that are in the same plane as the portal and covering the cut-off arm/leg/whatever that's sticking though, so it would block view into the open cross section of the figure but would only be slightly larger than the affected area so it wouldn't obstruct the rest of the view. 

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    The "figure" in this case is a giant meteor...and really just a wire mesh of one.  And as this wire mesh blob comes at us, more vanishes as it passed through the invisible plane between it and us.  I'm rendering in whatever works. Basic Open GL is fast and great for wire frame blobs. Tried the wire frame render in 3delight and just got a black blob.

  • You can use a section plane in Iray - Create>New Iray Section Plane - which will hide things on the camera side of the plane. It is however an infinite plane, so it will hide everything on that side not just the items it is placed to intersect. If you turn Clip Lights on in the Parameters pane it will not allow an interior volume to be lit by the scene lights..

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    Where do I find Clip Lights at?  Might come in handy for rendering in layers. Currently I just turn off everything I dont want to see in the Scene pane.

  • If Clip Lights is on the mesh hidden by the Section Plane is still opaque to lights (and reflections), if off it lets light through as well as allowing the camera to see through. So with Clip Lights on you can use a Section Plane to hide a wall of a room without throwing the lights out, with it off (the default) you can not only see into an enclosed space but you can let light from the dome in too. It's a parameter of the Section Plane, in the parameters pane under the Section Plane group.

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