Killer Legs for genesis 9

Please will there be Killer Legs ( product for Genesis 9?  Thank you.


  • Currently no, but you can reverse convert genesis 9 to genesis 8, then convert to genesis 9 again after adding the killer legs, a bit complicated but this is how I currently convert genesis 8 morphs to genesis 9.

  • DH6602636- said:

    Currently no, but you can reverse convert genesis 9 to genesis 8, then convert to genesis 9 again after adding the killer legs, a bit complicated but this is how I currently convert genesis 8 morphs to genesis 9.

    Thanks for the tip

  • The Genesis 9 "Body Shapes" morphs have some leg morphs that are similar to "Killer Legs".  GIve them a try.


  • Thanks.  I'll take a look at the product.

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