Copying a figure to be a prop?
A while ago I wanted a crowd scene of identical people, so I loaded one model and put a uniform on him, gave him some props and so on, then made several copies of him. These copies weren't figures with moving parts like the original, it's like they solid props. Which is fine except...
...I can't remember how I did it! I think it had something to do with nodes? Or instances? Any ideas?
did you maybe do edit->figure->convert figure to prop then duplicate him?
I don't think so, I think the original figure stayed as he was. On a related topic, if I load a morphable prop, mess around with the morphs, is there a way to duplicate it if a want a matching, morphed prop, rather than load another and mess with the morphs until they match?
edit->duplicate-duplicate node hierarchy should work, even after morphed.
Create node instance is also worth exploring.
Those have both worked, cheers!