Copying Poser content to external drive

I am going to take some care in asking this question because i wish to avoid any confusion over the terms i use which may not be correct.

I want to set up separate folder for my Poser content on an external hard drive. I have done this for my DS content, I copied my DS content into a folder which i called DS Quick Find and put it into the external drive. Then i used the Content directory manager to set up a path to that folder.

This works with my Daz content but with poser i get the following message ( see attached file )

I don't seem to be able to do the same thing with my Poser content, not sure why...

I would be grateful for any advice or possibly a link to some kind of tutorial that i can follow to do this.

Thank you...

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 14.30.34.png
554 x 343 - 61K


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Is the folder you selected a Runtime folder, or is there a Runtime folder directly below it?

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 459
    edited August 2015

    That poses the question what exactly is a runtime folder. If i create a folder and name it runtime that surely cannot be all there is to it. However, with the DS content that i mentioned i simply created a folder and called it DS Quick find. In that folder are sub folders for example called Genesis 2, which contain all the content for G2F i have. When i obtain something i manually install it. I put DS conten into Data as required, I put the runtime content like Support and Textures into the runtime on my Daz system folder. I put everything else in the DS Quick find folder on my desk top. I dont think i missed anything there. It works, no idea why but it works. I have the DS Quick find folder set up in content data manager and it works.

    However if i try to do the same thing with Poser content, it doesnt work.

    I would simply like to have a copy of my Poser content on an external drive as a back up and also as an alternative to having this content on my main drive. But i cant seem to get it to happen...



    Post edited by deeahr2169 on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    What is the path to the items it won't let you add?

  • SiscaSisca Posts: 875

    Sadly it is as simple as having a folder named Runtime. Poser looks for that specific folder as it's base starting point for its directory structure. So for what you're doing you can either create a folder on the external drive called Runtime and then move all of your poser content into that folder or create a folder called something like \Poser Quick and then add a folder under that called Runtime and move your content into \Poser Quick\Runtime.

    Doing that should work. 

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 459

    Got it! It wont wok unless the entire content of the runtime folder is moved into whatever folder i create. I now have a folder on my external drive called Poser quick find with my runtime in it and it works fine. Thanks to everyone who helped...

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